Weekly Bible Study according to Jewish tradition. Investigate the New Testament concepts hidden in the Hebrew Scriptures. 根據猶太傳統每週查經。 研究隱藏在希伯來語聖經中的新約概念。
(www.o-bible.com) 经句分享 Scripture for sharing:
诗 篇 Psalms 119:38
你 向 敬 畏 你 的 人 所 应 许 的 话 , 求 你 向 仆 人 坚 定 。
Stablish thy word unto thy servant, who is devoted to thy fear.
圣经像洋葱🧅,有一层又一层的含义;而且是活的… The Bible is like an onion🧅, with layers of meanings; and it is alive…
Introduction for English Readers
解经原则“八宝汤”The Eight Treasures of Biblical Interpretation
Recent biblestudy notes近期查经日志
(出25)圣所里的“家具” The “Furnishings” in the Sanctuary (Exodus 25)
Biblestudy notes on Exodus 出埃及记读经笔记:
Biblestudy notes on Genesis 创世记读经笔记:
Biblestudy notes on Deuteronomy 申命记读经笔记:
Biblestudy notes on Numbers民数记读经笔记:
Biblestudy notes on Leviticus 利未记读经笔记:
Blessings before and after Torah study 查经前后的祷告和有关经文