(Numbers 19, Numbers 21) The Red Heifer and the Bronze Serpent (Translated from Chinese by GPT) During a specific week in the summer, there is a Torah reading portion called “Chukat,” which spans from Numbers 19:1 to 22:1. It includes two significant events: the commandment of the red heifer (Chapter 19) and the bronze serpent… Continue reading (Numbers 19, Numbers 21) The Red Heifer and the Bronze Serpent
Category: Numbers民数记
Summary of Portion Chukat (Numbers 19:1-22:1)
Summary of Portion Chukat (Numbers 19:1-22:1) (In 2023 this portion is combined with portion Balak, Numbers 22:2-25:9) (A joint production with chatgpt) Highlights and related New Testament verses: The commandment of the red heifer and the water of impurity (Numbers 19:1-10). The portion of Chukat begins with the commandment of the red heifer, a cow… Continue reading Summary of Portion Chukat (Numbers 19:1-22:1)
Summary of Portion Balak (Numbers 22:2-Numbers 25:9)
Summary of Portion Balak (Numbers 22:2-Numbers 25:9): (In year 2023, this portion is combined with portion Chukat, Numbers 19:1-22:1) (A joint production with chatgpt) After the Israelites’ exodus from Egypt and their journey through the wilderness, they are now approaching the land of Moab. Our portion starts with the reactions of the people of Moab… Continue reading Summary of Portion Balak (Numbers 22:2-Numbers 25:9)
(民28-29)食物与供物 (与ChatGPT对话,经Mijiale修改) Mijiale:在民数记28:2里造物主说,“ 你 要 吩 咐 以 色 列 人 说 , 献 给 我 的 供 物 , 就 是 献 给 我 作 馨 香 火 祭 的 食 物 , 你 们 要 按 日 期 献 给 我 ”。难道造物主还需要吃食物吗?还需要人来喂祂吃饱吗? ChatGPT:在圣经中,当上帝命令以色列人献供物时,这并不意味着上帝需要实际的物质食物。上帝是全能的创造者,不需要人类的物质供养。相反,这是一种象征性的行为,目的是让以色列人通过奉献物品来表达对上帝的崇敬、感恩和依靠。 对于上帝来说,这些祭物并不是为了满足祂的身体需求,而是一种与祂的子民建立联系和关系的方式。这些仪式行为帮助以色列人在精神和宗教层面上与上帝建立紧密的联系,并且在奉献中表达对上帝的敬拜和奉献。 —- Mijiale:的确,“供物”在希伯来文也叫“ 各耳板”(马可7:11),有靠近的意思,可以表示造物主渴望被造之人按日期接近祂,就像人渴望按日期吃食物那样。 ChatGPT: 在希伯来文中,”供物”(”קָרְבָּן”)一词确实有”接近”或”靠近”的含义。这个词语的词根是”קרב”,意为”接近”或”靠近”。因此,供物在某种程度上可以被理解为一种接近上帝的方式。 马可福音7:11中提到的”各耳板”(”κορβᾶν”)是希腊文对”供物”的翻译。它也传达了与上帝接近的含义。 … Continue reading (民28-29)食物与供物
(Numbers 28-29) Food and Offerings
(Numbers 28-29) Food and Offerings (Dialogue with ChatGPT, edited by Mijiale, translated from Chinese by ChatGPT) Mijiale: In Numbers 28:2, the Lord says, “Command the Israelites and say to them: ‘Be sure to present to me my food offerings, as an aroma pleasing to me, and observe the proper time for doing so.’” Does… Continue reading (Numbers 28-29) Food and Offerings
Portion Summary for Pinchas
Portion Summary for Pinchas (Joint production with chatgpt) Parashat Pinchas is the forty-first weekly Torah portion in the annual Jewish cycle of Torah reading. It spans from Numbers 25:10 to Numbers 29:40. It derives its name from Pinchas, the grandson of Aaron, who took a zealous stand for God and ended a plague that had… Continue reading Portion Summary for Pinchas
(民31)论米甸妇婴 (与ChatGPT对话,经mijiale修改) Mijiale: 以色列人战胜米甸人之后,摩西在民数记31:17 说“ 所 以 , 你 们 要 把 一 切 的 男 孩 和 所 有 已 嫁 的 女 子 都 杀 了 。” 这些妇女和男童又没有战斗力,为什么要杀他们呢? ChatGPT:这个命令需要在其历史和文化背景下理解。在当时的战争中,被征服的国家通常会将妇女和儿童俘虏作为战利品或奴隶。摩西的命令是为了防止这些妇女和男童成为以色列人生活中的潜在威胁和诱惑。此外,米甸人曾经以偶像崇拜和淫乱引诱以色列人,摩西的命令也是为了清除这些邪恶的影响。值得注意的是,摩西的命令并不代表上帝在所有情况下都会做出类似的判断,而是根据当时的情境和上帝对以色列人的特殊要求而定。 Mijiale: 那为什么又不需要杀女童呢?见民数记31:18 “但 女 孩 子 中 , 凡 没 有 出 嫁 的 , 你 们 都 可 以 存… Continue reading (民31)论米甸妇婴
(Numbers 31) Midianite women and infants
(Numbers 31) Midianite women and infants (A conversation with ChatGPT, modified by Mijiale, translated from Chinese by ChatGPT) Mijiale: After the Israelites defeated the Midianites, Moses said in Numbers 31:17, “Now therefore, kill every male among the little ones, and kill every woman who has known man by lying with him.” These women and… Continue reading (Numbers 31) Midianite women and infants
Portion Summary for Matot
Portion Summary for Matot (In 2023 this portion is combined with Portion Masei: Numbers 33-36. Joint production with chatgpt.) Parashat Matot is the 42nd weekly Torah portion in the annual Jewish cycle of Torah reading. It can be found in Numbers 30:1-32:42. Here is a brief summary of Parashat Matot, along with related New Testament… Continue reading Portion Summary for Matot
Portion Summary for Masei
Portion Summary for Masei (In 2023 this portion is combined with Portion Matot: Numbers 30-32. Joint production with chatgpt.) Parashat Masei is the forty-third weekly Torah portion in the book of Numbers (Bamidbar) and spans from Numbers 33:1 to 36:13. This portion concludes the book of Numbers by recounting the Israelites’ journeys in the wilderness… Continue reading Portion Summary for Masei
(民03)摩西的后代 (Numbers 3) The Descendants of Moses
(民03)摩西的后代 (Numbers 3) The Descendants of Moses (ChatGPT translation from Chinese, edited by Mijiale, 中文在后面) One of my elderly relatives passed away this year. He was over ninety years old but had no children. This is considered a regret in China. It is an inborn instinct to hope for descendants because, according to atheistic logic,… Continue reading (民03)摩西的后代 (Numbers 3) The Descendants of Moses
(民06)圣洁与拿细耳人 Holiness and the Nazirite (Numbers 6)
(民06)圣洁与拿细耳人 Holiness and the Nazirite (Numbers 6) (ChatGPT translation from Chinese, edited by Mijiale, 中文在后面) Chapters 1-5 of Numbers define various levels of holiness among the Israelites in the wilderness based on their camping positions and distance from the Tabernacle. This ranges from the priests closest to the entrance of the Tabernacle courtyard, to the… Continue reading (民06)圣洁与拿细耳人 Holiness and the Nazirite (Numbers 6)
(民12)摩 西 为 人 极 其 谦 和 (Numbers 12) Moses was extremely humble
(民12)摩 西 为 人 极 其 谦 和 (Numbers 12) Moses was extremely humble (ChatGPT translation from Chinese, edited by Mijiale, 中文在后面) Numbers 12:3 says, ‘Now Moses was a very humble man, more humble than anyone else on the face of the earth.‘ According to Rashi’s commentary, the term ‘humble’ implies humility, and tolerance. If… Continue reading (民12)摩 西 为 人 极 其 谦 和 (Numbers 12) Moses was extremely humble
2024 additions to my notes on Parashat Chukat (Numbers 19:1-22:1)
2024 additions to my notes on Parashat Chukat (Numbers 19:1-22:1) (民数记19:1-22:1已加上的2024注释。2024 Comments added. I used ChatGPT partly when doing Chinese to English translation .) Numbers 20 20:1 Then came the children of Israel, even the whole congregation, into the desert of Zin in the first month: and the people abode in Kadesh; and Miriam… Continue reading 2024 additions to my notes on Parashat Chukat (Numbers 19:1-22:1)
(民25)新鲜的口味 New flavors, (Numbers 25)
(民25)新鲜的口味 New flavors, (Numbers 25) (Chat GPT translation from Chinese, edited by Mijiale, 中文在后面) Numbers 25:2 And they called the people unto the sacrifices of their gods: and the people did eat, and bowed down to their gods. On Saturday night, right after the Sabbath ended, I was particularly eager to check out various news… Continue reading (民25)新鲜的口味 New flavors, (Numbers 25)