
(民15)繸子与祷告袍 问: 在民数记15:38,上帝命令以色列人 “在 衣 服 邊 上 作 繸 子 、 又 在 底 邊 的 繸 子 上 、 釘 一 根 藍 細 帶 子 。” 然而在马太福音23:5,主耶稣却批评了法利赛人和文士:“他 們 一 切 所 作 的 事 、 都 是 要 叫 人 看 見 . 所 以 將 佩 戴 的 經 文 做… Continue reading (民15)繸子与祷告袍

Behaalotecha Portion Summary 

Behaalotecha Portion Summary  (A joint production by mijiale and chatgpt) Parashat Behaalotecha is the third portion in the book of Numbers (Bamidbar) and covers Numbers 8:1-12:16. In this portion, various significant events take place as the Israelites leave Mount Sinai and continue their journey through the wilderness towards the Promised Land. Here is a summary… Continue reading Behaalotecha Portion Summary 

(Numbers 10) The Words that Accompany Us

(Numbers 10) The Words that Accompany Us  (adapted and translated based on a Chinese version 中文版 http://mijiale.mypressonline.com/2021/05/23/民10)伴随我们的话语/) “Graduation毕业” in Chinese means “end”. But for the American doctoral students who have studied for five years, their graduation ceremony is called “Commencement”, which means “start”, not “end”. It means that you can now “start” and apply what… Continue reading (Numbers 10) The Words that Accompany Us

Parashat Naso Summary

Parashat Naso (Numbers 4:21-7:89): Portion Summary (a joint production by mijiale and chatgpt) Parashat Naso, found in the Book of Numbers (Bamidbar), presents a sequence of teachings and laws. Let’s explore them: The portion begins with the counting and duties of the Levites (Numbers 4:21-49), who were assigned specific responsibilities in the service of the Tabernacle.… Continue reading Parashat Naso Summary

Progress Notification 进程通告

On May 5, 2023, I heard that WHO declared the end of the pandemic emergency: https://www.yahoo.com/lifestyle/downgrades-covid-pandemic-says-no-132247693.html The weekly upload of my English Pentateuch study notes happened to be also basically completed. In fact, the study of the Bible is endless, but my personal understanding is limited, and some of my understandings may not be correct. May… Continue reading Progress Notification 进程通告

Categorized as 未归类

My notes on Bechukotai

This week’s portion combines “Behar” and “Bechukotai”… Parashat Bechukotai (Leviticus 26:3-27:34) Leviticus 26 (continued) 26:3   If ye walk in my statutes, and keep my commandments, and do them; Comment: This verse starts the paragraph on blessings with the first letter “aleph” of the Hebrew Alphabet. 26:13   I am the LORD your God, which brought… Continue reading My notes on Bechukotai

My notes on Behar

This week’s portion combines “Behar” and “Bechukotai”… Parashat Behar (Leviticus 25:1-26:2) Leviticus 25 25:4   But in the seventh year shall be a sabbath of rest unto the land, a sabbath for the LORD: thou shalt neither sow thy field, nor prune thy vineyard. Comment: This is an extension of the concept of the sabbath day:… Continue reading My notes on Behar

My notes on Emor

Parashat Emor (Leviticus 21-24) Leviticus 21 21:13   And he shall take a wife in her virginity. Comment: “he”: the high priest. From here we can derive that the high priest must be married. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/High_Priest_of_Israel This is unlike in some other religions which consider holiness to be related to being single. However, the high priest… Continue reading My notes on Emor

My notes on Vayikra

Parashat Vayikra (Leviticus 1-6:7) Leviticus 1 1:1   And the LORD called unto Moses, and spake unto him out of the tabernacle of the congregation, saying, Comment: This portion is named Vayikra, which means “(He) called”, taken from this verse 1:1.  Vayikra is also the “Jewish name” of this book Leviticus. This is the middle… Continue reading My notes on Vayikra