(创32)与天奋斗 “Struggle with Heaven” (Genesis 32)

(创32)与天奋斗 “Struggle with Heaven” (Genesis 32)

(Chat GPT translation from Chinese, edited by Mijiale, 中文在后面)

I’ve been pondering the meaning of Genesis 32:28, where Jacob is renamed Israel, signifying ‘he who will struggle with G-d.’ This translation, ‘struggle with G-d,’ seems perplexing. Isn’t it something atheists might say, akin to what Mao said, ‘endless joy in the struggle against heaven’?

During a Sabbath reflection, an apparently unrelated scripture caught my attention, leading to profound inspiration. It shed light on another scripture that had long puzzled me. It made me revisit the meaning of Israel’s name—’he will struggle with G-d.’ In Genesis 32, Jacob is evidently meant to return to the promised land, but fears those who resent him. Wrestling with G-d’s messenger, Jacob prevails, seeks a blessing, and is renamed Israel.

It turns out, the Creator often sets obstacles on our paths, hoping we’ll struggle with them to get rewards, as blessings lie beyond. Avoiding difficulties means missing out on blessings.

Human progress often comes from grappling with challenges set by the divine. Concepts like the Trinity in Christian theology stem from reconciling apparent contradictions in the Old and New Testaments. Similarly, the discovery of the theory of relativity in physics is linked to a seeming paradox about light’s behavior.

Whether in scientific or biblical studies, facing apparent contradictions and persisting through difficulties often leads to new perspectives. Even in my personal experience, the challenge of writing notes on scripture while respecting copyright led me to explore unique perspectives, bringing unexpected blessings.

“Struggling with heaven” isn’t exclusive to atheism. However, Jacob’s struggle fundamentally differs from the struggle of atheism. The misguided pursuit of atheism leads to disaster, while Jacob’s struggle, in the right direction, brings blessings. Those aware of G-d’s love understand that difficulties, especially those on the path appointed by the L-rd, hold blessings. Like Jacob’s story, the L-rd encourages and aids us. In such situations, we must persevere, seek the L-rd’s blessing, and not easily give up. Remember, our souls are like the Israelites, people destined to ‘struggle with G-d’, and destined to prevail because of G-d.






很多人类的进步是与主设立的困难奋斗以后才有的。基督教神学三位一体的概念就是来源于新旧约协调的困难,旧约说只有一个神,那么新约里天父差派的耶稣是什么地位?物理学相对论的发明, 听说也和一个看似自相矛盾的困难有关:在与一束光同行的人看来,这个光波的波峰波谷会不会就不动了,但这是否违反了麦克斯韦的光是电磁波的理论?



“与天奋斗”, 不是无神论的专利。不过,雅各的奋斗,与无神论的奋斗有着本质的区别。无神论走在错误方向的奋斗,会带来灾难,而雅各是走在正确方向的奋斗,会带来祝福。 我们这些知道造物主的爱的人,应该更能知道困难的来源,特别是明明是主要你走的路上的困难,那一定背后有主的祝福,而且像雅各的故事里那样,主会鼓励我们,帮助我们,在这种情况下,一定要奋斗,一定要求主祝福,不要随便放弃。记住我们的灵魂是“以色列”人,是“他要与神奋斗”的人, 是因主得胜的人。