My notes on Emor

Parashat Emor (Leviticus 21-24) Leviticus 21 21:13   And he shall take a wife in her virginity. Comment: “he”: the high priest. From here we can derive that the high priest must be married. This is unlike in some other religions which consider holiness to be related to being single. However, the high priest… Continue reading My notes on Emor


Elimelich拉比说[1],一个人在不读经时,特别是当独自坐在房间里或无法入睡时,他可以怎样遵行哪条主的命令呢? 他可以默想主说的话(利22:32)“我 在 以 色 列 人 中 , 却 要 被 尊 为 圣 ”,在他的灵魂和脑海中想象,仿佛在他面前燃着一股可畏的大火,燃烧到天上的中心(原文用语类似申4:11的火焰冲天),为了尊主为圣的缘故,他愿意打破了自己的本性,为尊主为圣而投身于火中。 因为人心中想法与实际行为之间存在某种不可分割的联系,所以,这个人就不再是在闲坐或躺着,而是在履行主的命令。 什么叫尊主为圣?在广义上讲[2],就是行事为人荣耀主的名。相反,就使主名蒙羞。在狭义上讲[2,3],如果宁死也不违反主的命令,那就是终极的尊主为圣。犹太人认为[2,3],大部份圣经律法可以(甚至应该)为了存活而违反,唯有不拜偶像,不奸淫,不谋杀,即使死也不能违反。这“尊主为圣”虽然抽象,但与“遵主诫命”联系起来,就很具体,怪不得这两方面是在经文上下文联系在一起的:(利22:31-33)“你 们 要 谨 守 遵 行 我 的 诫 命 。 我 是 耶 和 华 。你 们 不 可 亵 渎 我 的 圣 名 , 我 在 以 色 列 人 中 , 却 要… Continue reading (利22)遵主为圣的诫命

My notes on Behar

This week’s portion combines “Behar” and “Bechukotai”… Parashat Behar (Leviticus 25:1-26:2) Leviticus 25 25:4   But in the seventh year shall be a sabbath of rest unto the land, a sabbath for the LORD: thou shalt neither sow thy field, nor prune thy vineyard. Comment: This is an extension of the concept of the sabbath day:… Continue reading My notes on Behar


利未记第25章提到“七”这个数字,因为造物主命令以色列人在应许地每七年过一个安息年,就是要六年耕种土地修理果园收藏出产,第七年要从农业生产中安息,估计可以用来专心学习圣经。   这也可能是让以色列人作为按神形象被造的受造物,模仿造物主六日创世,第七日安息。与此类似的有十诫里的第四条安息日的诫命,每六日做工,第七日安息。   圣经里的7表示满足,因为在希伯来语七sheva和满足sava的辅音字母写出来都一样,都是שבע. 比如(申:10) “你 吃 得 饱 足 , 就 要 称 颂…”,这一句里的“饱足”就藏着sava(满足)的词根。这个联系可以帮助我们理解为什么圣经里的不同场合要用到七这个数字,因为场合虽不同,但说有七这么多, 就都可以表示某种行为已经满足了。 与此相关,我们从以下三个方面做一些讨论:   一,圣经里其他的七   圣经里的数字七常常出现,其他还包括:   挪亚方舟上的洁净动物是每种七公七母。   很多种不洁净,如接触死尸,月经,麻风病,需要等七天才能洁净。   有些节日长达七天,如无酵饼节,住棚节。   五旬节要从逾越节过后计算7个7日。   禧年要等7个7年的安息年周期。   圣所的金灯台有七盏灯。   挪亚有七十个后代散居列国。   以色列有七十子孙下埃及。   摩西为以色列设立七十个长老。   耶稣差派70门徒传道。   彼得问耶稣饶恕人七次够不够。   耶稣教导饶恕人要七十个七次。   以色列被掳流放巴比伦70年。 (而这个是因为他们在应许地70个7年都没有守安息年,地在他们被虏时补足了错过的70个安息年。)   二,安息年预表新天新地   第七日的安息日或地的第七年安息年,也预表人类历史也有个满足的时候。 犹太人认为人类历史有六个千年对应于六日创世。(参Tur on… Continue reading (利25)数字七与满足

My notes on Bechukotai

This week’s portion combines “Behar” and “Bechukotai”… Parashat Bechukotai (Leviticus 26:3-27:34) Leviticus 26 (continued) 26:3   If ye walk in my statutes, and keep my commandments, and do them; Comment: This verse starts the paragraph on blessings with the first letter “aleph” of the Hebrew Alphabet. 26:13   I am the LORD your God, which brought… Continue reading My notes on Bechukotai


本文从概率论的角度,读利未记思考以下两个论点:大数定律超越了随机差别,而造物主超越了大数定律。 论点一,大数定律超越了随机差别 我们现代十一奉献,只要把银行到账的钱数乘以1/10留出来奉献就可以了。古代的牧羊人怎么作十一奉献呢?一只羊不好分成1/10, 如果从十只羊选一个又因为大小好坏不一样,也不是1/10。利未记27:32-33给了一种方法: “凡 牛 群 羊 群 中 , 一 切 从 杖 下 经 过 的 , 每 第 十 只 要 归 给 耶 和 华 为 圣 。不 可 问 是 好 是 坏, 也 不 可 更 换 。” 这节圣经基本的思路是随机地十里选一。圣经承认选出的每一个羊有好坏的随机差别,但不让更换。学过概率的人知道,根据大数定律,如果羊群足够大,由于好坏轻重的相互抵消,随机选出的1/10的小羊群的总数量,总重量和总价钱都会趋向于正好是原来羊群总体的1/10。大数定律超越了随机差别。 在前一章利未记26章,圣经刚刚应许过一个基本原则:遵守主的诫命就会蒙福,违背主的诫命就受惩罚。有人会对此举出反例,问为什么一个敬虔的人英年早逝?而另一个无法无天的人活得很长?但我可以做个类比,即使你发现毛泽东爱抽烟活得反而比不抽烟的周恩来要长几岁,你不能由此反例就说抽烟可以延年益寿。利27:32-33启示我们,其实在今世,造物主允许我们观察到这些随机差别的存在, 但是在足够大的群体中,主仍然规定了大数定律,使得整个群体因遵守造物主的诫命或规律而更受祝福,比如说常参加聚会敬拜的人平均寿命可能要多出6-7岁。又比如守诫命的犹太人的后代作为一个群体更受祝福,他们人口虽然还没有上海人那么多[1,2],但是诺贝尔奖得了比全体华人的要多至少10倍[3,4]。 从圣经来看,某些随机差别,比如羊有好坏,并不是造物主的原意,因为创世之初(创1:31)“一 切 所 造 的 都 甚… Continue reading (利27)超越大数定律

(利01)谁把供物献给谁? (Leviticus 01) Who Offers Sacrifices to Whom?

(利01)谁把供物献给谁? (Leviticus 1) Who Offers Sacrifices to Whom? (ChatGPT translation from Chinese, edited by Mijiale, 中文在后面) Leviticus chapter 1 talks about a “burnt offering,” where “everything must be burnt on the altar,” as a “pleasing aroma to the Lord” (Leviticus 1:9). Ancient Chinese also had similar rituals, such as the “ceremony of offering sacrifices to… Continue reading (利01)谁把供物献给谁? (Leviticus 01) Who Offers Sacrifices to Whom?

(有黑体字更正)(利07)不吃可献祭的脂油 (Revision in boldface)  (Leviticus 07) Do not eat sacrificial fat

(有黑体字更正)(利07)不吃可献祭的脂油 (Revision in boldface)  (Leviticus 07) Do not eat sacrificial fat (ChatGPT translation from Chinese, edited by Mijiale, 中文在后面) There was an American Jew who had limited understanding of the Bible. He went to China and saw Chinese people eating pork rice, so he went to a Muslim restaurant to eat beef noodles. When he… Continue reading (有黑体字更正)(利07)不吃可献祭的脂油 (Revision in boldface)  (Leviticus 07) Do not eat sacrificial fat

(利10)拿 答 与 亚 比 户 (Leviticus 10) Nadab and Abihu

(利10)拿 答 与 亚 比 户 (Leviticus 10) Nadab and Abihu (ChatGPT translation from Chinese, edited by Mijiale, 中文在后面) At the moment of the inauguration of the tabernacle, when the glory of the Creator descended and the people rejoiced (Leviticus 9:24), a sad event occurred: Aaron’s two sons were consumed by fire for the mistake… Continue reading (利10)拿 答 与 亚 比 户 (Leviticus 10) Nadab and Abihu

(利13)麻疯病与傲慢病 (Leviticus 13) Leprosy and pride

(利13)麻疯病与傲慢病 (Leviticus 13) Leprosy and pride (ChatGPT translation from Chinese, edited by Mijiale, 中文在后面) In Leviticus 13, it talks about leprosy, and there are some requirements for those who have this disease that may seem embarrassing in normal standards. They are required to (Leviticus 13:45-46) proclaim their uncleanness, stay away from others, have disheveled hair, … Continue reading (利13)麻疯病与傲慢病 (Leviticus 13) Leprosy and pride

(利14 )大麻疯与美物 Mildew and good things (Leviticus 14)

(利14 )大麻疯与美物 Mildew and good things (Leviticus 14) (ChatGPT translation from Chinese, edited by Mijiale, 中文在后面) In Leviticus 14:34, the Creator speaks to Moses and Aaron, saying, “When you enter the land of Canaan, which I am giving you as your possession, and I put a spreading mildew in a house in that land,”… There… Continue reading (利14 )大麻疯与美物 Mildew and good things (Leviticus 14)

(利18)在你们以先的国民(Leviticus 18) The nations before you

(利18)在 你 们 以 先 的 国 民 (Leviticus 18) The nations before you (ChatGPT translation from Chinese, edited by Mijiale, 中文在后面) Leviticus 18:26-28 says, “You must therefore keep my decrees and my laws. You must not commit any of these detestable practices—neither your native-born nor the foreigners residing among you. For the people of… Continue reading (利18)在你们以先的国民(Leviticus 18) The nations before you

(利19-20)圣洁与十诫 (Leviticus 19-20) Holiness and the Ten Commandments

(利19-20)圣洁与十诫 (Leviticus 19-20) Holiness and the Ten Commandments (ChatGPT translation from Chinese, edited by Mijiale, 中文在后面) Leviticus chapters 19-20 are the scriptures known as the “Holy ones” section in the weekly readings of the Jewish people [1].  It’s considered very important because it’s the Lord who directly summoned Moses to instruct the entire assembly (Leviticus… Continue reading (利19-20)圣洁与十诫 (Leviticus 19-20) Holiness and the Ten Commandments

(利23) 学习俄梅珥的奥秘 On the secrets of omer

(利23) 学习俄梅珥的奥秘 On the secrets of omer (ChatGPT translation from Chinese, edited by Mijiale, 中文在后面) After the Feast of Unleavened Bread, about fifty days later, comes Pentecost. Between these two festivals, the Israelites are to “count the omer,” as commanded in the Bible according to Leviticus 23:15-16: “You shall count seven full weeks from the… Continue reading (利23) 学习俄梅珥的奥秘 On the secrets of omer

(利25)无息贷款的诫命 (Leviticus 25) Commandment of Interest-Free Loans

(利25)无息贷款的诫命 (Leviticus 25) Commandment of Interest-Free Loans (ChatGPT translation from Chinese, edited by Mijiale, 中文在后面) The New Testament says in Acts 20:35, “It is more blessed to give than to receive.” Besides giving the principal, according to the Old Testament, lending to an Israelite without charging interest is also following the Creator’s commandment. Leviticus 25:37… Continue reading (利25)无息贷款的诫命 (Leviticus 25) Commandment of Interest-Free Loans