(修改版)(创35)拉结: 一位伟大的母亲  Rachel: A Great Mother (Genesis 35)(Revised)

(有黑体字修改)(创35)拉结: 一位伟大的母亲  Rachel: A Great Mother (Genesis 35)(Revised in boldface) (ChatGPT translation from Chinese, edited by Mijiale, 中文在后面) Genesis 35:16 “They set out from Bethel, and when they were still some distance from Ephrath, Rachel began to give birth and had great difficulty.” This Torah portion, Vayishlach (“He sent”), Genesis 32:3–36:43, recounts the death of… Continue reading (修改版)(创35)拉结: 一位伟大的母亲  Rachel: A Great Mother (Genesis 35)(Revised)

(创32)与天奋斗 “Struggle with Heaven” (Genesis 32)

(创32)与天奋斗 “Struggle with Heaven” (Genesis 32) (Chat GPT translation from Chinese, edited by Mijiale, 中文在后面) I’ve been pondering the meaning of Genesis 32:28, where Jacob is renamed Israel, signifying ‘he who will struggle with G-d.’ This translation, ‘struggle with G-d,’ seems perplexing. Isn’t it something atheists might say, akin to what Mao said, ‘endless joy… Continue reading (创32)与天奋斗 “Struggle with Heaven” (Genesis 32)

My notes on Vayishlach

Parashat Vayishlach (Genesis 32:3-Genesis 36:43) 32:32          Therefore the children of Israel eat not of the sinew which shrank, which is upon the hollow of the thigh, unto this day: because he touched the hollow of Jacob’s thigh in the sinew that shrank. Comment: Muslims and Jews have similar dietary habits: They do not… Continue reading My notes on Vayishlach


中国古代,有句“人定胜天”的话,曾经在“大跃进”时代被误用,带来了很多损失。圣经里也有一个看似“人定胜天”的故事,背后却隐藏着造物主对人的爱,一种甚至超越了祂的全能的、“虚 己”的爱(腓2:5-11)。 打个不完美的比方:我曾经有一个秘密不想让女儿知道,就是她和我下围棋老赢,是因为我暗地里让着她。她赢了我,比我赢了她更高兴。我们家经典的一句话就是我输了棋常说的,“我女儿赢了, 真棒!” 因为爱的缘故,我可以缩小我能力的展现。 创世记32章:犹太人的祖先雅各和天使较力得胜,从此改名为赫赫有名的“以色列”(希伯来语“与神较力”的意思)。 犹太人没法接受神有形象或神会输[注1],所以解释与雅各较力输了的是以扫的守护天使(Rashi创32:25 [注2]),而以扫是雅各很多年前得罪过的一直害怕他报复的孪生哥哥。 但是从经文字面上看,本章的天使至少是能代表神的,因为较力以后,“雅 各 便 给 那 地 方 起 名 叫 毗 努 伊 勒 ( 就 是 神 之 面 的 意 思 ) , 意 思 说 , 我 面 对 面 见 了 神 , 我 的 性 命 仍 得 保 全 。”(创32:30) 那么神怎么会用有形象限制的天使来代表祂自己呢?又怎么会让自己的代表输给人呢?我的解释是,这和我输给女儿是相似的道理。是因为爱,因为爱而限制了自己能力的发挥。我把棋力发挥出来,赢了女儿几十个上百个子,我会高兴吗?不会,我反而会为她受到的惨败而难过。我会故意限制自己,比如走棋不走“金角银边”,而走“草包肚”。… Continue reading (创32)与神较力得胜