(出21)摆脱咒诅 Breaking the Curse (Exodus 21) (Edited by ChatGPT, based on Chinese draft by Mijiale, 中文在后面) Exodus 21:4 – “If his master gives him a wife, and she bears him sons or daughters, the wife and her children shall belong to the master, and he shall go out alone.” An Unexpected Application There is an… Continue reading (出21)摆脱咒诅 Breaking the Curse (Exodus 21)
Tag: mishpatim“典章” 出埃及记21-24
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(出21)以 手 还 手 (Exodus 21) A hand for a hand
(出21)以 手 还 手 (Exodus 21) A hand for a hand (ChatGPT translation from Chinese, edited by Mijiale, 中文在后面) Exodus 21:24 states: “An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth, a hand for a hand, a foot for a foot.” I attempted to apply the “Pardes” method to interpret “a hand for a… Continue reading (出21)以 手 还 手 (Exodus 21) A hand for a hand
My notes on Mishpatim
Parashat Mishpatim (Exodus 21-24) Exodus 21 21:1 Now these are the judgments which thou shalt set before them. Comments: After the giving of the 10 commandments, Gd taught many detailed laws. “judgments”: mishpatim in Hebrew, means Torah laws that make common sense. https://torah.org/torah-portion/ravfrand-5757-behar/ This is in contrast to chukim (“ordinances”, such as the red… Continue reading My notes on Mishpatim
(本文来源于2019年笔者在一个校园团契使用的查经笔记,其原型曾刊登于怀恩季刊, 以马内利社区,和《研读圣经》) Torah 是希伯来文的“训诲”,指摩西五经及其延伸,常被称为“律法”。Torah的律法虽然是几千年前颁布的,但其中很多对现代社会也适用,有些甚至超越了现代。 出埃及记23:1 “不 可 随 伙 布 散 谣 言 , 不 可 与 恶 人 连 手 妄 作 见 证 。” 我在网上常常看到假新闻,例如关于NBA的球员转队的消息,甚至消息来源都是英文的、看上去是可靠的。我不知道编造者是出于什么动机,但后来几次发现是假的(注:在场有学者说这是为了点击率和钱),就不再对这个网上的文章在意了。如果是遵守torah的人, 就自然不会制造这些假消息。 2“不 可 随 众 行 恶 , 不 可 在 争 讼 的 事 上 随 众 偏 行 , 作 见 证 屈 枉… Continue reading (出23)《出埃及记23》查经备课笔记