(利23)住棚节的四样植物(Leviticus 23) Four Species for the Festival of Booths (ChatGPT translation from Chinese, edited by Mijiale, 中文在后面) The Festival of Sukkot (the Feast of Booths) takes place during the season of autumn harvest, and there is a specific ritual involving four types of plants. These plants are waved together in prayer three times in each… Continue reading (利23)住棚节的四样植物(Leviticus 23) Four Species for the Festival of Booths
Tag: emor“告诉” 利未记21-24
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(利23) 学习俄梅珥的奥秘 On the secrets of omer
(利23) 学习俄梅珥的奥秘 On the secrets of omer (ChatGPT translation from Chinese, edited by Mijiale, 中文在后面) After the Feast of Unleavened Bread, about fifty days later, comes Pentecost. Between these two festivals, the Israelites are to “count the omer,” as commanded in the Bible according to Leviticus 23:15-16: “You shall count seven full weeks from the… Continue reading (利23) 学习俄梅珥的奥秘 On the secrets of omer
My notes on Emor
Parashat Emor (Leviticus 21-24) Leviticus 21 21:13 And he shall take a wife in her virginity. Comment: “he”: the high priest. From here we can derive that the high priest must be married. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/High_Priest_of_Israel This is unlike in some other religions which consider holiness to be related to being single. However, the high priest… Continue reading My notes on Emor
Elimelich拉比说[1],一个人在不读经时,特别是当独自坐在房间里或无法入睡时,他可以怎样遵行哪条主的命令呢? 他可以默想主说的话(利22:32)“我 在 以 色 列 人 中 , 却 要 被 尊 为 圣 ”,在他的灵魂和脑海中想象,仿佛在他面前燃着一股可畏的大火,燃烧到天上的中心(原文用语类似申4:11的火焰冲天),为了尊主为圣的缘故,他愿意打破了自己的本性,为尊主为圣而投身于火中。 因为人心中想法与实际行为之间存在某种不可分割的联系,所以,这个人就不再是在闲坐或躺着,而是在履行主的命令。 什么叫尊主为圣?在广义上讲[2],就是行事为人荣耀主的名。相反,就使主名蒙羞。在狭义上讲[2,3],如果宁死也不违反主的命令,那就是终极的尊主为圣。犹太人认为[2,3],大部份圣经律法可以(甚至应该)为了存活而违反,唯有不拜偶像,不奸淫,不谋杀,即使死也不能违反。这“尊主为圣”虽然抽象,但与“遵主诫命”联系起来,就很具体,怪不得这两方面是在经文上下文联系在一起的:(利22:31-33)“你 们 要 谨 守 遵 行 我 的 诫 命 。 我 是 耶 和 华 。你 们 不 可 亵 渎 我 的 圣 名 , 我 在 以 色 列 人 中 , 却 要… Continue reading (利22)遵主为圣的诫命