我回国以来遇到的朋友, 有时会对我的信仰好奇,我回答说,有一个网站,我在上面写了很多信仰方面的文章。不过,这些文章对一般人可能太深奥,我希望以后能加一些初步的介绍。 我首先想介绍的是我所信仰的是谁。我所信仰的是圣经所描写的造物主。因为祂不光使所有存在的东西存在,也掌管着它们的发展变化,所以也可以说祂是“造化的主”。(中文圣经把祂的名字翻译成“耶和华”,其原文很可能有“造化之主”的含义。)让我们看看圣经里怎么样介绍描述祂的。 本周我查圣经,看到申命记26章,说到古代以色列人原来在埃及做奴隶,等他们回国得到了四百年前造物主就答应过要赐给他们的土地,在那里种地收获了土产,就要把初熟的果子献一筐给造物主,送给在造物主的圣殿里工作的祭司。并且要忆苦思甜,回忆以前做奴隶时所受的苦,并感谢造物主救他们出来,赐给他们这里美好的土地,并让土地长出这筐子里的水果和粮食,有大麦、小麦、葡萄、无花果、橄榄、石榴、和椰枣。 从这里圣经教导我们造物主是管什么事的主? 第一方面:祂是自然界的主,祂管各种植物的生长与丰收,以及与之相关的一切:阳光,雨水,光合作用,农夫的健康,他们所呼吸的氧气,… 第二方面:祂是历史的主,命运的主,是赐好收成的主,祂让做了几百年奴隶的民族得到了自由,得到了自己的土地,又让他们的劳动有好的收成。 第三方面:祂是与人交流的主,是活的主、超越自然规律的主。如果你只看前两条,你也许会说祂就是马克思主义哲学里掌管自然界和人类社会所有事物发展的“客观规律”;但是,圣经所描写的造物主, 会在四百年前就向以色列人的祖先应许要给他们土地,让他们的后代在埃及长期受奴役时也不绝望,又行超出通常的自然规律的神迹奇事带他们出了埃及,过了红海、旷野、约旦河,来到应许之地,并且通过圣经命令他们献上初熟的土产感恩。造物主会以某些方式与人说话,或鼓励,或警戒,或责备,祂又会对人应该怎样活作出要求,祂也垂听人对祂所说的话,不论是对祂的祈求,还是对祂的感谢。 这第三条,一个人格化的上帝,对人应该如何活有所要求的上帝,恰恰是马克思主义哲学里所没有的,而我们中国远古文化里反而是有的。诗经(大雅•皇兮)里的三处“帝谓文王”,就反应出中国古人也相信上帝会对人说话、作出为人处世的要求。https://baike.baidu.com/item/大雅·皇矣/2134135 现代人崇尚自由,不喜欢有超自然力量的道德约束,所以最反对的就是这第三条,其原因是不希望有一个人格化的主,会对他们说话,告诉他们什么应该做,什么不应该做。但实际上这是不合逻辑的,仔细想想,人能活着,不是一件简单的事。那使人活着的“终极原因”,难道会对人应该如何活着,不作要求吗? 所以我相信的,是圣经所启示的造物主,祂是万有的主,也是活的主。祂是使我活着的主,也是给我使命告诉我应该怎样活的主。
Category: Deuteronomy申命记
(Deuteronomy 26) Who I Believe In
(Translated from Chinese by ChatGPT and edited by Mijiale) Since returning to my childhood country, I’ve met friends who are sometimes curious about my faith. I tell them there’s a website where I’ve written many articles about faith. However, these articles might be too profound for the average person, and I hope to provide some… Continue reading (Deuteronomy 26) Who I Believe In
Vayeilech“去” (申命记 31)注释
Vayeilech“去” (申命记 31)注释 (Chatgpt英译中,Mijiale修改) 申命记31章: 31:6 你 们 当 刚 强 壮 胆 , 不 要 害 怕 , 也 不 要 畏 惧 他 们 , 因 为 耶 和 华 你 的 神 和 你 同 去 。 他 必 不 撇 下 你 , 也 不 丢 弃 你 。 评论:第一次提到“当刚强壮胆”的鼓励。这第一次,摩西鼓励以色列人要坚强(以复数形式)。 … Continue reading Vayeilech“去” (申命记 31)注释
(Deuteronomy 31) Bible’s Heritage
(Deuteronomy 31) Bible’s Heritage (Translated from Chinese by ChatGPT, modified by Mijiale) When we realize how limited our achievements are throughout our own lives, we can recognize the importance of “heritage.” Speaking of the topic of “heritage,” I recall a past event. There was a young brother, Xiao L, who came from China to become… Continue reading (Deuteronomy 31) Bible’s Heritage
(申32)他是磐石 申命记32:4说: “他 是 磐 石(tsur) , 他 的 作 为 完 全 , 他 所 行 的 无 不 公 平 , 是 诚 实 无 伪 的 神 。 又 公 义 , 又 正 直 。” 我们该怎么解释这句圣经呢? 有一种方法是使用关键词寻找相关的经文 (现在电脑有搜索的功能,这样做很方便),然后祈求那位赐圣经的主,用圣灵感动我们,使用有关的经文教导我们。 让我们尝试使用“磐石”这个关键词搜索经文。有两处经文的对比引起了我的注意(其希伯来文的用词还不一样。) 出埃及记17:6说: “我 必 在 何 烈 的 磐 石 那 里 ,… Continue reading (申32)他是磐石
(Deuteronomy 32) He is the Rock
(Deuteronomy 32) He is the Rock (Translated from Chinese by chatgpt, edited by mijiale) Deuteronomy 32:4 says: “He is the Rock (tsur); His work is perfect; for all His ways are justice, a God of faithfulness, and without iniquity, just and upright is He.” How should we interpret this Bible verse? One approach is to… Continue reading (Deuteronomy 32) He is the Rock
(申33)摩西的祝福 (Deuteronomy 33) Moses’s Blessing
(申33)摩西的祝福 (Deuteronomy 33) Moses’s Blessing (Translation from Chinese assisted with ChatGPT, 中文在后面) Ecclesiastes 12:7 states, “And the dust returns to the earth as it was, and the spirit returns to God who gave it.” The human soul originates from the Creator and returns to the Creator. Coming here is like going on a business trip;… Continue reading (申33)摩西的祝福 (Deuteronomy 33) Moses’s Blessing
(申02)为了听众的缘故 (Deuteronomy 02): For the sake of the audience
(申02) 为了听众的缘故 (Deuteronomy 02): For the sake of the audience (ChatGPT translation from Chinese, edited by Mijiale, 中文在后面) Deuteronomy 2:2, “And the Lord said to me, …” Deuteronomy 2:9, “And the Lord said me, … ” Deuteronomy 2:16-17, “when the fighting men among the people had perished, the Lord spoke to me, …” The question… Continue reading (申02)为了听众的缘故 (Deuteronomy 02): For the sake of the audience
(Translation edited on 08/22/2024)(申10)祂是你的神 (Deuteronomy 10) He Is Your God
(申10)祂是你的神 (Deuteronomy 10) He Is Your God (ChatGPT translation from Chinese, edited by Mijiale, revised on 08/22/2024, 中文在后面) Deuteronomy 10:21 “He is your praise, and He is your God, who has done for you these great and awesome things that your eyes have seen.” This verse contains an important biblical teaching: the God revealed in… Continue reading (Translation edited on 08/22/2024)(申10)祂是你的神 (Deuteronomy 10) He Is Your God
(申14)光明的未来 (Deuteronomy 14) A Bright Future
(申14)光明的未来 (Deuteronomy 14) A Bright Future (ChatGPT translation from Chinese, edited by Mijiale, 中文在后面) Deuteronomy 14:6-8 “You may eat any animal that has a divided hoof and that chews the cud. … The pig is unclean for you because it has a divided hoof but does not chew the cud. You must not eat their… Continue reading (申14)光明的未来 (Deuteronomy 14) A Bright Future
(申20)结 果 子 的 树 木 (Deuteronomy 20) Fruit-bearing Trees
(申20)结 果 子 的 树 木 (Deuteronomy 20) Fruit-bearing Trees (ChatGPT translation from Chinese, edited by Mijiale, 中文在后面) When I first got to know my wife, I noticed her habit of eating watermelon, leaving a thin layer of red flesh on the rind. She explained that leaving too much would be wasteful, but… Continue reading (申20)结 果 子 的 树 木 (Deuteronomy 20) Fruit-bearing Trees
(申22)日 子 得 以 长 久 (Deuteronomy 22) Prolonging Life
(申22)日 子 得 以 长 久 (Deuteronomy 22) Prolonging Life (ChatGPT translation from Chinese, edited by Mijiale, 中文在后面) Deuteronomy 22:7-8 says, “If you come across a bird’s nest along the road, in any tree or on the ground, with chicks or eggs, and the mother bird sitting on the chicks or on the eggs, you… Continue reading (申22)日 子 得 以 长 久 (Deuteronomy 22) Prolonging Life
(申26)认谁为神(Deuteronomy 26)Recognizing Who is God
(申26)认谁为神(Deuteronomy 26)Recognizing Who is God (ChatGPT translation from Chinese, edited by Mijiale, 中文在后面) Deuteronomy 26:17-19 states, “Today you have declared the Lord to be your God… Today, the Lord has declared that you are His people… to set you high above all nations He has made, in praise, fame, and honor…” Recognizing who is God… Continue reading (申26)认谁为神(Deuteronomy 26)Recognizing Who is God
(申29)隐秘的事与明显的事 (Deuteronomy 29) The Secret Things and the Revealed Things
(申29)隐秘的事与明显的事 (Deuteronomy 29) The Secret Things and the Revealed Things (ChatGPT translation from Chinese, edited by Mijiale, 中文在后面) Deuteronomy 29:29 says, “The secret things belong to the Lord our God, but the things revealed belong to us and our children forever, that we may follow all the words of this law.” Rashi explains that this… Continue reading (申29)隐秘的事与明显的事 (Deuteronomy 29) The Secret Things and the Revealed Things
(申31)传圣经的诫命 (Deuteronomy 31) The Commandments to Transmit the Bible
(申31)传圣经的诫命 (Deuteronomy 31) The Commandments to Transmit the Bible (ChatGPT translation from Chinese, edited by Mijiale, 中文在后面) Before Moses passed away, he gave the final two commandments in the five Books of Moses, both of which relate to promoting the preservation and transmission of the Scriptures. One commandment is that every 7 years, after the… Continue reading (申31)传圣经的诫命 (Deuteronomy 31) The Commandments to Transmit the Bible