(出35)安息日与预备日 (Exodus 35) The Sabbath and the Preparation Day (ChatGPT translation from Chinese, edited by Mijiale, 中文在后面) In Exodus 35:3, Moses conveys the Creator’s instruction to the Israelites: “On the Sabbath day, you shall not kindle a fire in all your dwellings.” One might question how the Israelites cooked on the Sabbath. It turns out… Continue reading (出35)安息日与预备日 (Exodus 35) The Sabbath and the Preparation Day
Author: mijiale
(创28)伯特利 (Genesis 28) Bethel
(Genesis 28) Bethel (Chat GPT translation from Chinese, edited by Mijiale, 中文在后面) On the weekend, my wife accompanied me for a walk, and we sat on a wooden chair, watching the sunset and the moon when we got tired. She asked me if I felt lonely when I walked alone usually. I said, “Not lonely,… Continue reading (创28)伯特利 (Genesis 28) Bethel
(创28)双生子的母亲 (Genesis 28) The Mother of Twins
(Genesis 28) The Mother of Twins (Chat GPT translation from Chinese, edited by Mijiale, 中文在后面) Genesis 28:5 says, ‘Isaac sent Jacob away, and he went to Paddan-aram, to Laban the son of Bethuel the Aramean, the brother of Rebekah, the mother of Jacob and Esau.’ In the context of introducing Jacob’s upcoming travel, why does… Continue reading (创28)双生子的母亲 (Genesis 28) The Mother of Twins
(创25)我们怎么变成了亚伯拉罕的后代? (Genesis 25) How did we become descendants of Abraham?
(Genesis 25) How did we become descendants of Abraham? (Chat GPT translation from Chinese, edited by Mijiale, 中文在后面) How did we become descendants of Abraham? For many who have no biological relationship with Abraham, this is a strange question. Furthermore, from a broader perspective, isn’t our true Father the Creator, our Heavenly Father? In fact,… Continue reading (创25)我们怎么变成了亚伯拉罕的后代? (Genesis 25) How did we become descendants of Abraham?
(申33)摩西的祝福 (Deuteronomy 33) Moses’s Blessing
(申33)摩西的祝福 (Deuteronomy 33) Moses’s Blessing (Translation from Chinese assisted with ChatGPT, 中文在后面) Ecclesiastes 12:7 states, “And the dust returns to the earth as it was, and the spirit returns to God who gave it.” The human soul originates from the Creator and returns to the Creator. Coming here is like going on a business trip;… Continue reading (申33)摩西的祝福 (Deuteronomy 33) Moses’s Blessing
(Deuteronomy 16)The materials used to cover the booth
(Deuteronomy 16)The materials used to cover the booth (Translated from Chinese to English assisted with ChatGPT) The progress of this week’s Torah reading is not in the usual order because it is during the Feast of Tabernacles, which lasts for about a week. On Saturday, October 7, 2023, is the solemn assembly of the eighth… Continue reading (Deuteronomy 16)The materials used to cover the booth
(申16)遮盖棚顶的材料 本周的摩西五经进度也不是按通常的顺序,因为是在住棚节期间,约有一周时间。周六2023/10/7日是第八日严肃会(利23:36),摩西五经阅读申命记14:22-16:17,其中有和住棚节有关的一段话:(申16:13)“你 把 禾 场 的 谷 , 酒 榨 的 酒 收 藏 以 后 , 就 要 守 住 棚 节 七 日 ”。犹太经典从此推导【Sukkah 11a, 12a https://www.sefaria.org/Sukkah.11a.11?lang=bi , https://www.sefaria.org/Sukkah.12a.2?lang=bi 】,说为过住棚节搭的棚子,棚顶必须用剪下的植物遮盖,才算合格。犹太经典比较难懂,我个人的理解是这样的,这句经文(申16:13)为什么要提到收藏谷子和酒?第一反应,当然是为了说明住棚节应该是在收获的季节(秋季),但前面利未记23:39已经提过,“你 们 收 藏 了 地 的 出 产 , 就 从 七 月 十 五 日 起 ,…”(按圣经历,是秋天的季节)过这个节日,这已经说明住棚节应该是在收获的季节了,所以,如果我们相信经文说话从不多余,那么申命记16:13这里看似的“重复”,应该是在教导新的东西。犹太人认为申命记16:13这里提到“禾 场 的 谷 , 酒… Continue reading (申16)遮盖棚顶的材料
赎罪日与住棚节(Day of Atonement and Feast of Tabernacles)
赎罪日与住棚节(Day of Atonement and Feast of Tabernacles) (Translated from Chinese by ChatGPT, edited by Mijiale, 中文原文在后面) The usual weekly reading progress of the Pentateuch is suspended in this new week. On Monday (2023/9/25), it’s the Day of Atonement. In the morning, we read Leviticus 16 and Numbers 29:7-11. In the afternoon, we read Leviticus 18,… Continue reading 赎罪日与住棚节(Day of Atonement and Feast of Tabernacles)
(Deuteronomy 32) He is the Rock
(Deuteronomy 32) He is the Rock (Translated from Chinese by chatgpt, edited by mijiale) Deuteronomy 32:4 says: “He is the Rock (tsur); His work is perfect; for all His ways are justice, a God of faithfulness, and without iniquity, just and upright is He.” How should we interpret this Bible verse? One approach is to… Continue reading (Deuteronomy 32) He is the Rock
(申32)他是磐石 申命记32:4说: “他 是 磐 石(tsur) , 他 的 作 为 完 全 , 他 所 行 的 无 不 公 平 , 是 诚 实 无 伪 的 神 。 又 公 义 , 又 正 直 。” 我们该怎么解释这句圣经呢? 有一种方法是使用关键词寻找相关的经文 (现在电脑有搜索的功能,这样做很方便),然后祈求那位赐圣经的主,用圣灵感动我们,使用有关的经文教导我们。 让我们尝试使用“磐石”这个关键词搜索经文。有两处经文的对比引起了我的注意(其希伯来文的用词还不一样。) 出埃及记17:6说: “我 必 在 何 烈 的 磐 石 那 里 ,… Continue reading (申32)他是磐石
Feast of Trumpets related links 吹角节有关链接
有关链接: Why is the Feast of Trumpets also called Rosh Hashanah (Head of the Year)? 为什么吹角节也被称为“岁首”? https://www.hebrew4christians.com/Holidays/Fall_Holidays/Rosh_Hashannah/rosh_hashannah.html#loaded How to celebrate it? 如何过这个节日? https://www.hebrew4christians.com/Blessings/Holiday_Blessings/Rosh_Hashanah_Blessing/rosh_hashanah_blessing.html Feast of Trumpets Bible Portion 吹角节的读经进度http://mijiale.mypressonline.com/2023/09/12/feast-of-trumpets-bible-portion-吹角节的读经进度/ 一个以前写的中文介绍 http://mijiale.mypressonline.com/2021/09/03/吹角节介绍/ 与中国新年的对比 http://mijiale.mypressonline.com/2021/09/03/年糕对鱼头(中国与犹太新年传统之对比)/
Feast of Trumpets Bible Portion 吹角节的读经进度
Why do Jews read Genesis 21 and 22 during the Feast of Trumpets? (A ChatGPT translation from Chinese, modified by Mijiale, 中文版在后面) The usual progression of reading from the Torah, the first five books of Moses, temporarily stops this week as the Sabbath leads into the biblical Feast of Trumpets (Leviticus 23:24: “Say to the… Continue reading Feast of Trumpets Bible Portion 吹角节的读经进度
(Deuteronomy 31) Bible’s Heritage
(Deuteronomy 31) Bible’s Heritage (Translated from Chinese by ChatGPT, modified by Mijiale) When we realize how limited our achievements are throughout our own lives, we can recognize the importance of “heritage.” Speaking of the topic of “heritage,” I recall a past event. There was a young brother, Xiao L, who came from China to become… Continue reading (Deuteronomy 31) Bible’s Heritage
Vayeilech“去” (申命记 31)注释
Vayeilech“去” (申命记 31)注释 (Chatgpt英译中,Mijiale修改) 申命记31章: 31:6 你 们 当 刚 强 壮 胆 , 不 要 害 怕 , 也 不 要 畏 惧 他 们 , 因 为 耶 和 华 你 的 神 和 你 同 去 。 他 必 不 撇 下 你 , 也 不 丢 弃 你 。 评论:第一次提到“当刚强壮胆”的鼓励。这第一次,摩西鼓励以色列人要坚强(以复数形式)。 … Continue reading Vayeilech“去” (申命记 31)注释
(Deuteronomy 26) Who I Believe In
(Translated from Chinese by ChatGPT and edited by Mijiale) Since returning to my childhood country, I’ve met friends who are sometimes curious about my faith. I tell them there’s a website where I’ve written many articles about faith. However, these articles might be too profound for the average person, and I hope to provide some… Continue reading (Deuteronomy 26) Who I Believe In