(出21)摆脱咒诅 Breaking the Curse (Exodus 21)
(Edited by ChatGPT, based on Chinese draft by Mijiale, 中文在后面)
Exodus 21:4 – “If his master gives him a wife, and she bears him sons or daughters, the wife and her children shall belong to the master, and he shall go out alone.”
An Unexpected Application
There is an intriguing application of this verse in Jewish tradition (See Yevamot 78a, Kiddushin 69a). According to Deuteronomy 23:2, a Jewish mamzer (a child born from forbidden relationships such as adultery or incest) is forbidden from marrying into the Jewish community—even for ten generations. This status is incredibly difficult to escape. However, one possible way out is found in Exodus 21:4:
If a mamzer becomes a Hebrew servant and his master gives him a Canaanite maidservant as a wife, the children born to them are not legally his—they belong to the master. Because the children are no longer considered his descendants, they are no longer mamzerim. If the master later frees them, they become free Israelites, fully integrated into the community and eligible to marry other Jews.
Breaking Free from Curses and Labels
Both a mamzer (a child of sin) and a Canaanite maidservant (a descendant of Noah’s cursed grandson, Canaan – Genesis 9:25) carry shameful labels that are difficult to escape. Yet both have hope—through servitude to a master, they can produce children who are free from their inherited stigma.
This principle reflects a spiritual reality:
- A mamzer suffers from the consequences of personal or ancestral sin (e.g., adultery, incest).
- A Canaanite maidservant suffers from the curse placed on her ancestor’s misbehavior.
- Many people today experience hardship due to past sins—either their own or their ancestors’. They may feel trapped in generational curses or bound by negative circumstances.
However, the key to breaking free is becoming a servant of God. The Bible states that the children of the Hebrew servant belong to the master—not to the servant himself. Likewise, when a person surrenders their life to God, dedicating all they have to Him, they are no longer defined by their old self. What once belonged to the cursed past now belongs to the Lord, and what belongs to the Lord is blessed.
This principle is reflected in the New Testament:
- “If anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. The old has passed away; behold, the new has come.” (2 Corinthians 5:17)
- “You are not your own; you were bought at a price.” (1 Corinthians 6:19-20)
Freedom Through Divine Ownership
People often feel trapped by the consequences of their past. However, only what belongs to the old self remains cursed. When we fully give ourselves to God—our identity, possessions, and future—we place everything under His authority, where the curse no longer applies. Instead, His grace transforms our lives, allowing us to walk in freedom and blessing.
By surrendering to God, we exchange our old identity for His ownership, and under His lordship, we find true freedom.
(mijiale原稿,经ChatGPT 修改)
出埃及记 21:4 – “他主人若给他妻子,妻子给他生了儿子或女儿,妻子和儿女要归主人,他要独自出去。”
犹太传统中对这节经文有一个引人深思的应用(见耶巴莫特 78a,基杜申 69a)。根据申命记 23:2,犹太人的 mamzer(私生子,即由通奸或乱伦关系所生的孩子)被禁止与犹太人结婚,即使经过十代仍然不能摆脱这个身份。这一身份极难解除。然而,《出埃及记》21:4 提供了一种可能的解脱方式:
如果一个 mamzer(私生子)沦落为希伯来奴仆,他的主人给他一个迦南族的女仆为妻,他们所生的孩子按圣经的规定“要归主人”,而不是属于这位奴仆。因此,这些孩子不再被算作 mamzerim(私生子)。如果主人愿意释放他们,他们就成为自由的以色列人,不再受私生子身份的限制,可以自由地与其他犹太人通婚。
无论是 mamzer(因罪而生的孩子)还是迦南族的女仆(因祖先的咒诅而受奴役的人),他们都背负着不光彩的身份,而这些标签在正常情况下几乎无法改变。然而,他们仍然有希望——通过成为主人的奴仆,他们所生的孩子可以摆脱这些负面标签,成为自由之人。
- mamzer 受个人或祖先的罪的影响(例如通奸、乱伦)。
- 迦南族的女仆则受到了祖先的咒诅(创世记 9:25)。
- 许多人今天也因过去的罪——无论是自己的罪,还是家族的罪——而遭受困难。他们可能觉得被“家族咒诅”束缚,或被负面环境限制住。
然而,摆脱这些束缚的关键在于成为神的仆人。《出埃及记》21:4 说,希伯来奴仆的子女属于主人,而不属于他自己。同样,当一个人把自己完全交托给神,将他的一切献给神,他的生命就不再由旧的身份定义。他原本属于被咒诅的旧生命的一切,现在归属于神,而凡属于神的,都会蒙福。
- “若有人在基督里,他就是新造的人,旧事已过,都变成新的了。”(哥林多后书 5:17)
- “你们不是自己的人;因为你们是重价买来的。”(哥林多前书 6:19-20)