(民12)摩 西 为 人 极 其 谦 和 (Numbers 12) Moses was extremely humble

(民12)摩 西 为 人 极 其 谦 和 (Numbers 12) Moses was extremely humble

(ChatGPT translation from Chinese, edited by Mijiale, 中文在后面)

Numbers 12:3 says, ‘Now Moses was a very humble man, more humble than anyone else on the face of the earth.

According to Rashi’s commentary, the term ‘humble’ implies humility, and tolerance. If we borrow a saying from the Chinese, Moses should be considered a ‘great leader’ and a ‘great teacher.’ Why was he so humble? I speculate it’s because Moses recognized himself as a sinner saved by grace. Exodus 2 records that Moses had once killed a man and had fled for many years because of it. Romans 3:20 says, ‘…through the law comes knowledge of sin.‘ When Moses received the Law on Mount Sinai and wrote the first five books of the Bible, he must have been aware of the law that demanded ‘Whoever takes a man’s life, by man will his life be taken; … ‘ (Genesis 9:6), and knew that murder required capital punishment (Numbers 35:31). No wonder he lamented to the Lord in Psalm 90:8, ‘You have set our iniquities before you, our secret sins in the light of your presence.

So why isn’t there a clear record in the Bible of Moses receiving punishment? I speculate it might be because when Moses killed the Egyptian, there were no witnesses (Numbers 35:30), or perhaps because he acted in defense of others, not as a murderer deserving of death. It could also be that the Creator intended to use him and keep him alive until he had completed his mission to save the Israelites. Moses didn’t know how long the Lord would let him live (Psalm 90:12), but whenever he received a mission from the Creator, he could deduce that he would live at least until that mission was accomplished. When he heard, ‘…I will send you to Pharaoh to bring my people the Israelites out of Egypt‘ (Exodus 3:10), he could deduce that he wouldn’t die before leading the Israelites out of Egypt. When he heard, ‘But now, go, take the people to that place of which I have given you word...Go forward from this place, you and the people whom you have taken up out of the land of Egypt, to that land about which I made an oath to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, saying, To your seed will I give it.’ (Exodus 32:34,33:1), he could deduce that he wouldn’t die before leading the Israelites on their way to the promised land. Despite carrying the burden of taking a life, he continued to live in service to the Creator, hence in the Bible he is called the Creator’s ‘servant’ (Numbers 12:7). Sometimes the task was overwhelming, and he would tell the Lord he would rather die sooner, for example, in Numbers 11:14-15, ‘I am not able by myself to take the weight of all this people, for it is more than my strength. If this is to be my fate, put me to death now in answer to my prayer, if I have grace in your eyes; and let me not see my shame.

But the Lord helped him overcome difficulties, and it was forty years later, when the people arrived at the edge of the promised land, that Moses passed away.

Therefore, the reason Moses was so humble was because he knew he was a sinner saved by grace, deserving of death, and only alive because the Lord chose to use him.

Many Christians, after coming to faith, learn from studying the Bible how unworthy sinners they were in the past. If the Lord were to hold them accountable for their past, they would find it unbearable. But God’s grace surpasses all sin; He forgives us without bringing up the past because He wants to use us. Therefore, we have no reason to boast about any achievements, for we too are sinners saved by grace.

(民12)摩 西 为 人 极 其 谦 和

民数记12:3说,“ 摩 西 为 人 极 其 谦 和 , 胜 过 世 上 的 众 人 。”

根据Rashi解经, “谦和”一词有谦卑低调和能忍受的意思。

如果借用中国人的某种说法,摩西应该是“伟大的领袖”,和“伟大的导师”,他为什么能那么谦卑?我猜想,这是因为摩西认识到自己是个蒙恩的罪人。出埃及记第2章记载,摩西曾经路见不平杀过人,并因此逃亡多年。罗马书3:20说,“…律 法 本 是 叫 人 知 罪”。当摩西从西奈山接受律法,并写下摩西五经时,他应该知道杀人偿命的律法, 而认识到自己虽然被主大大使用,其实本来也是个罪人。他亲手记录祖先诺亚接受的诫命说,(创9:6)“凡 流 人 血 的 , 他 的 血 也 必 被 人 所 流 。…”。他在西奈山接受的律法也没有改变这样的规定:(民35:31)“故 杀 人 , 犯 死 罪 的 , 你 们 不 可 收 赎 价 代 替 他 的 命 。 他 必 被 治 死 。” 难怪在诗篇90:8 摩西向主感叹:“你 将 我 们 的 罪 孽 摆 在 你 面 前 , 将 我 们 的 隐 恶 摆 在 你 面 光 之 中 。”  那么,为什么圣经上没有明确记载摩西受到了什么样的惩罚呢?

我猜想,这也许是因为摩西杀人时没有两个现场证人(民35:30),或者因为他是见义勇为,可以不算是杀人犯,可以不被判死罪,但这也可能是因为:造物主要使用他,要让他完成了拯救以色列人的使命之后再死。我猜想,摩西不知道主会让他活多久(诗90:12),但每当摩西听到造物主的一个要他完成的使命,他都可以推论主会让他至少活到那个使命完成以后。当他听到(出3:10)“…我 要 打 发 你 去 见 法 老 , 使 你 可 以 将 我 的 百 姓 以 色 列 人 从 埃 及 领 出 来 。” 他可以推论他领以色列人出埃及前还不会死。当他听到(出32:34,33:1)“现 在 你 去 领 这 百 姓 , 往 我 所 告 诉 你 的 地 方 去… 我 曾 起 誓 应 许 亚 伯 拉 罕 , 以 撒 , 雅 各 说 , 要 将 迦 南 地 赐 给 你 的 后 裔 。 现 在 你 和 你 从 埃 及 地 所 领 出 来 的 百 姓 , 要 从 这 里 往 那 地 去 。” 他可以推论他领以色列人去应许之地的路上还不会死。虽然一直背着一条人命,他是为了侍奉造物主而继续存活,所以在圣经里他被称为造物主的“仆人”(民12:7)。有时任务艰巨,他也会与主说宁可早点死,比如 (民11:14-15)“管 理 这 百 姓 的 责 任 太 重 了 , 我 独 自 担 当 不 起 。你 这 样 待 我 , 我 若 在 你 眼 前 蒙 恩 , 求 你 立 时 将 我 杀 了 , 不 叫 我 见 自 己 的 苦 情 。”但主帮助他解决困难,一直到四十年以后百姓来到应许之地的对面才让摩西离世。

