赎罪日与住棚节(Day of Atonement and Feast of Tabernacles)

赎罪日与住棚节(Day of Atonement and Feast of Tabernacles) (Translated from Chinese by ChatGPT, edited by Mijiale, 中文原文在后面) The usual weekly reading progress of the Pentateuch is suspended in this new week. On Monday (2023/9/25), it’s the Day of Atonement. In the morning, we read Leviticus 16 and Numbers 29:7-11. In the afternoon, we read Leviticus 18,… Continue reading 赎罪日与住棚节(Day of Atonement and Feast of Tabernacles)


(申16)遮盖棚顶的材料 本周的摩西五经进度也不是按通常的顺序,因为是在住棚节期间,约有一周时间。周六2023/10/7日是第八日严肃会(利23:36),摩西五经阅读申命记14:22-16:17,其中有和住棚节有关的一段话:(申16:13)“你 把 禾 场 的 谷 , 酒 榨 的 酒 收 藏 以 后 , 就 要 守 住 棚 节 七 日 ”。犹太经典从此推导【Sukkah 11a, 12a https://www.sefaria.org/Sukkah.11a.11?lang=bi , https://www.sefaria.org/Sukkah.12a.2?lang=bi 】,说为过住棚节搭的棚子,棚顶必须用剪下的植物遮盖,才算合格。犹太经典比较难懂,我个人的理解是这样的,这句经文(申16:13)为什么要提到收藏谷子和酒?第一反应,当然是为了说明住棚节应该是在收获的季节(秋季),但前面利未记23:39已经提过,“你 们 收 藏 了 地 的 出 产 , 就 从 七 月 十 五 日 起 ,…”(按圣经历,是秋天的季节)过这个节日,这已经说明住棚节应该是在收获的季节了,所以,如果我们相信经文说话从不多余,那么申命记16:13这里看似的“重复”,应该是在教导新的东西。犹太人认为申命记16:13这里提到“禾 场 的 谷 , 酒… Continue reading (申16)遮盖棚顶的材料

(Deuteronomy 16)The materials used to cover the booth 

(Deuteronomy 16)The materials used to cover the booth  (Translated from Chinese to English assisted with ChatGPT) The progress of this week’s Torah reading is not in the usual order because it is during the Feast of Tabernacles, which lasts for about a week. On Saturday, October 7, 2023, is the solemn assembly of the eighth… Continue reading (Deuteronomy 16)The materials used to cover the booth 

因为无酵饼节的原因(The English notice is placed behind) ,本周的摩西五经的通常读经进度暂停

因为无酵饼节的原因(The English notice is placed behind) ,本周的摩西五经的通常读经进度暂停,但是在新的周末,犹太人要读出埃及记 33:12-34:26。参见 https://jcca.org/news-and-views/shabbat-chol-hamoed-pesach-3312-3426/ 这里是我以前写的一个有关读经笔记:http://mijiale.mypressonline.com/2022/04/19/(出34)为十三平反/ —- Because of the Festival of the unleavened breads, the usual weekly Torah reading is paused this week. However, in the new weekend, Jews will read Exodus 33:12-34:26. See, e.g., https://jcca.org/news-and-views/shabbat-chol-hamoed-pesach-3312-3426/ The following article is translated from a Chinese article that I wrote some time… Continue reading 因为无酵饼节的原因(The English notice is placed behind) ,本周的摩西五经的通常读经进度暂停