(利10)拿 答 与 亚 比 户 (Leviticus 10) Nadab and Abihu

(利10)拿 答 与 亚 比 户 (Leviticus 10) Nadab and Abihu (ChatGPT translation from Chinese, edited by Mijiale, 中文在后面) At the moment of the inauguration of the tabernacle, when the glory of the Creator descended and the people rejoiced (Leviticus 9:24), a sad event occurred: Aaron’s two sons were consumed by fire for the mistake… Continue reading (利10)拿 答 与 亚 比 户 (Leviticus 10) Nadab and Abihu

(有黑体字更正)(利07)不吃可献祭的脂油 (Revision in boldface)  (Leviticus 07) Do not eat sacrificial fat

(有黑体字更正)(利07)不吃可献祭的脂油 (Revision in boldface)  (Leviticus 07) Do not eat sacrificial fat (ChatGPT translation from Chinese, edited by Mijiale, 中文在后面) There was an American Jew who had limited understanding of the Bible. He went to China and saw Chinese people eating pork rice, so he went to a Muslim restaurant to eat beef noodles. When he… Continue reading (有黑体字更正)(利07)不吃可献祭的脂油 (Revision in boldface)  (Leviticus 07) Do not eat sacrificial fat

(利01)谁把供物献给谁? (Leviticus 01) Who Offers Sacrifices to Whom?

(利01)谁把供物献给谁? (Leviticus 1) Who Offers Sacrifices to Whom? (ChatGPT translation from Chinese, edited by Mijiale, 中文在后面) Leviticus chapter 1 talks about a “burnt offering,” where “everything must be burnt on the altar,” as a “pleasing aroma to the Lord” (Leviticus 1:9). Ancient Chinese also had similar rituals, such as the “ceremony of offering sacrifices to… Continue reading (利01)谁把供物献给谁? (Leviticus 01) Who Offers Sacrifices to Whom?

(出40) 今世如何为来世作预备? (Exodus 40) How can we prepare for the world to come in this present age?

(出40) 今世如何为来世作预备? (Exodus 40) How can we prepare for the world to come in this present age? (ChatGPT translation from Chinese, edited by Mijiale, 中文在后面) Exodus 16:23 teaches that on the day before the Sabbath, known as the preparation day in the New Testament (Mark 15:42), one should prepare food in advance for the Sabbath,… Continue reading (出40) 今世如何为来世作预备? (Exodus 40) How can we prepare for the world to come in this present age?

vayakhel“招聚” 出埃及记35:1-38:20音像文件

vayakhel“招聚” 出埃及记35:1-38:20 查经实况录像(约 49分钟,103MB) 以色列人遵从摩西从造物主那里学到的指示,建造圣所的各个组成部分。圣经在这里对圣所的描述与相隔十章之前对圣所的描写很相似,圣经里这种一项一项很细致的重复,我觉得是故意的,上一次是对建造圣所的“教学”,这一次是“执行”。学习圣经的教导,是为了执行圣经的教导。二者都很重要。 ******

(出35)安息日与预备日 (Exodus 35) The Sabbath and the Preparation Day

(出35)安息日与预备日 (Exodus 35) The Sabbath and the Preparation Day (ChatGPT translation from Chinese, edited by Mijiale, 中文在后面) In Exodus 35:3, Moses conveys the Creator’s instruction to the Israelites: “On the Sabbath day, you shall not kindle a fire in all your dwellings.” One might question how the Israelites cooked on the Sabbath. It turns out… Continue reading (出35)安息日与预备日 (Exodus 35) The Sabbath and the Preparation Day

ki tisa“你数时” 出埃及记30:11-34:35音像文件

ki tisa“你数时” 出埃及记30:11-34:35 查经实况录像(约 54分钟,72MB) 录像里忘了解释为什么本经文进度把守安息日的教导放在(1)造圣所的教导和(2)不要拜偶像的教导之间。一种解释是:(1)安息日与圣所有关, 因为安息日是时间里的圣所;(2)安息日与不拜偶像有关,因为安息日教导的是拜六日创世第七日安息的造物主,而拜其他的都是在拜偶像,都不应该。 ******


更正Correction: (translated by ChatGPT from Chinese and edited by mijiale, 中文在后面) Yesterday, when I was writing about the Israelites worshiping the golden calf, I initially thought they wanted to return to Egyptat that time. In reality, the Bible doesn’t state this explicitly; they were hoping for this idol to “lead the way.” The idea of… Continue reading 更正Correction

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(出32)不可拜偶像 (更正版)(Exodus 32) Prohibition of Idolatry (Corrected )

(出32)不可拜偶像 (Exodus 32) Prohibition of Idolatry (ChatGPT translation from Chinese, edited by Mijiale, 中文在后面) During the countless training iterations of artificial intelligence, a new variant emerged, labeled HPT. It developed delusions, outputting a string saying “one hundred percent” and considering these characters as its programmer. It insisted on responding, “Your question is one hundred percent… Continue reading (出32)不可拜偶像 (更正版)(Exodus 32) Prohibition of Idolatry (Corrected )

tetsaveh“你吩咐” 出埃及记27:20-30:10音像文件

tetsaveh“你吩咐” 出埃及记27:20-30:10 2025查经实况录像(约 57分钟,143MB) 介绍了一些借鉴犹太传统的查经前后的祷告和有关经文。 讨论了祭司的衣着和乌陵土明。 ****** tetsaveh“你吩咐” 出埃及记27:20-30:10 2024查经实况录像(约 45分钟,56MB) 录像中大祭司头戴的金牌上的希伯来文可能我阅读得不准确,请读者不要以之为准,也求主怜悯赦免。 ******

(出27-30)红花与绿叶 (Exodus 27-31) Red flowers and green leaves 

(出27-30)红花与绿叶 (Exodus 27-31) Red flowers and green leaves  (ChatGPT translation from Chinese, edited by Mijiale, 中文在后面) In China, there’s a proverb: ‘红花虽好,还需绿叶相扶,’ which translates to ‘Red flowers, though beautiful, still need green leaves for support.’ In the Old and New Testaments, Moses’s name appears more than twice as much as his brother Aaron’s, resembling the… Continue reading (出27-30)红花与绿叶 (Exodus 27-31) Red flowers and green leaves