(利13)麻疯病与傲慢病 (Leviticus 13) Leprosy and pride
(ChatGPT translation from Chinese, edited by Mijiale, 中文在后面)
In Leviticus 13, it talks about leprosy, and there are some requirements for those who have this disease that may seem embarrassing in normal standards. They are required to (Leviticus 13:45-46) proclaim their uncleanness, stay away from others, have disheveled hair, tear their clothes, and cover their mouths. In 2 Chronicles 26, it mentions that the Creator can use leprosy to deal with human arrogance, striking a Jewish king who was considered successful in the eyes of the people. Even a highly respected prophetess was disciplined by the Creator with leprosy (Numbers 12).
In recent years, the global pandemic of COVID-19 has also taught modern people to be humble. People find that the superior democratic system was more difficult to control the spread of the virus. When the virus becomes uncontrollable, even authoritarian regimes have to loosen their grip. Initially, people hoped that vaccines developed by scientists could eradicate COVID-19, but later became disappointed. Below is a letter written by someone with similar beliefs in the autumn of 2021, when he applied not to receive the vaccine for religious reasons, in which he mentioned his understanding of some relevant Bible verses(which may not be all correct):
“Dear Vaccine Exception Reviewers: …
I believe in the Creator and His personal guidance and that the Bible is His words. I believe that the COVID is not out of the scope of the Bible. I believe COVID belongs to the biblically-termed “plagues”. Who could believe, anyone from just two years ago, that in grocery stores all over the nation, people all wear masks and stand apart? I believe COVID is the Creator’s blow to the pride of human beings. Who could believe that the most technologically advanced nation suffers the most damage?
Bible study convinced me, biblical plagues are often associated with the spiritual disease of pride. Israel was punished with a plague due to King David’s pride in counting the soldiers (2Sam.24). Moses’ sister was punished with a contagious disease, and it was also related to pride, as is alluded to by a neighboring bible verse (Num.12:3) implying that she was not as humble as her brother Moses.
Biblical cleansing of contagious diseases involves humbling. A neighboring bible verse alludes to this by likening this with spitting on the face (Num.12:14). Moses’s sister, although in a high position of a prophetess, had to be humbled by being driven outside of the camp and social-distanced for seven days, just like any other afflicted person, and it was an open chastisement: all the nation was announced about her punishment and waited for her for seven days! (Num.12:15)
I believe the best way of solving COVID is humbleness and repentance(2Sam24:17), in front of our Creator, instead of using vaccination in any defiant way, pretending that we can win, which I believe would either fail or lead to new problems.
Aside from the spiritual dimension of humbleness and repentance, the Bible did also allude to the physical dimension of combatting contagious diseases: face covering(Lev.13:45), social distancing(Lev.13:46), plus cleansing(Lev 14:8). I believe these biblical methods are better than vaccination. I believe if all the nation repent and social-distance for two weeks (or even for one week if they sincerely repent), the COVID would be completely gone…”
May humanity overcome arrogance, humble themselves before the Creator, and know that all good things come from Him, and everything should follow His will.
利未记13章的经文中,讲到麻疯病,并对麻疯病人有一些按通常标准看有失脸面的要求(利13:45-46), 要他们自己宣称不洁净,不能靠近别人,要披头散发,撕裂衣服,遮住嘴唇。圣经后历代志下26章讲到,造物主可以用麻疯病来对付人类的傲慢,击打一位在通常人眼中相当成功的犹太国王。即使是很受人尊敬的一位女先知,也曾受造物主的管教得过麻疯病(民数记12)。