(出20)父母与老师 (Exodus 20) Parents and Teachers

(出20)父母与老师 (Exodus 20) Parents and Teachers

(ChatGPT translation from Chinese, edited by Mijiale, 中文在后面)

One of the Ten Commandments is to honor one’s parents (Exodus 20:12, the Hebrew root Kaveid כבד has the meaning of “honor” or “heavy”). Jewish teaching states that in addition to respecting one’s father, one must also respect one’s teacher, and generally, the latter takes precedence. This is because a father brings a person into this world, whereas a teacher brings a person into the World to Come. From this, it can be seen that the teacher referred to here specifically refers to a teacher in matters of faith. Another explanation is that since a father himself should also respect the teacher, the requirement to respect the teacher should be placed above the respect for one’s father.
See Talmud Keritot 28a.

This respect is very concrete. For example, if a person simultaneously finds lost objects belonging to both his father and his teacher, he should return his teacher’s lost item first. Similarly, if both his father and his teacher were kidnapped, he should redeem his teacher first. The teacher who is to be given priority refers to the primary teacher from whom one learns, and it suffices for a teacher to be one’s primary teacher in a particular field. However, the teacher’s precedence over the father only applies if the father does not teach Torah. If the father also teaches Torah, then his status takes precedence over that of other teachers.
See Bava Metzia 33a.

This concept is systematic. I saw that Rashi, in his commentary on Deuteronomy 6:7, explains that teaching the words of the Lord to one’s children (See Rashi on Deuteronomy 6:7), refers to teaching faith to one’s students. The Bible also sometimes refers to a teacher as a father. For example, the prophet Elisha called his teacher, the prophet Elijah, “My father” (2 Kings 2:12). This is somewhat similar to ancient China, where many occupations referred to teachers as “academic father” (师父), classmates as “academic brothers” (师兄弟), and later generations as “academic descendants” (徒子徒孙).

This also reminds me of Jesus’ teaching in the New Testament, where he said that whoever leaves their family for his sake will receive many times more fathers, brothers, etc., in this life (Matthew 19:29). I think the “fathers” here may refer to teachers in faith, as one may learn different aspects of faith from different teachers. Some may be younger than me, and some I may have never met in person. For example, Brother Huang led me in studying the Gospel of John, Pastor Gong led me in the prayer of commitment, Pastor Lin baptized me, Pastor Shi from the Bible study group taught me to read Psalms, and the website Hebrew4Christians was where I first learned Hebrew letters…

In some Bible versions, Jesus also said that in this life, one would receive many times more wives. This should not be understood as advocating polygamy but rather as referring to co-workers in ministry—partners in passing on faith, rather than helpers in bearing physical children.

This non-blood-related spiritual family relationship (fathers, brothers, wives, children, etc.), according to Jesus, will also face persecution in this life (Mark 10:30). I think this is related to the remnants of the old sinful nature, which resists accepting the yoke of faith. However, I believe that after the resurrection of the dead, everyone will recognize that the most important relationships are those of faith rather than those of flesh and blood. Jesus also said that after the resurrection, there will be no longer marriage (Matthew 22:30), so physical or blood relationships should no longer be continued as before. However, spiritual relationships should still be important, because Jesus said that his twelve disciples will sit on twelve thrones to judge the twelve tribes of Israel (Matthew 19:28). According to Jewish tradition, judges are leaders who guide people in practicing the Bible teachings in daily life (Deuteronomy 16:18).

Jesus himself, along with many apostles in the New Testament, had no physical descendants. But in the future, their spiritual descendants will recognize them.






这不仅让我想起新约里耶稣的教导,人若为了跟随他而离开家庭,今生可以得到很多倍的父母,兄弟,等等(马太福音19:29),我想这里的父母可能是信仰上的老师,因为一个人的信仰可能会从很多老师那里学到不同的东西,有的人年龄可以比我小,有的可能没见过面,比如黄弟兄带我查过约翰福音,龚牧师带我作决志祷告的,林牧师为我施洗的,以前查经班的施牧师教过我读诗篇,hebrew4christians网站是我开始学希伯来字母的地方,… 。在有的圣经版本耶稣还说过今生得到很多倍的妻子,这应该不是一夫多妻的意思,而是指的是传道的同工,是信仰传承的帮手,而不是生养肉体子女的帮手。
