(出17)奇迹与旌旗 Miracle and Banner (Exodus 17)
(ChatGPT English translation from Chinese is provided later, edited by Mijiale)
Exodus 17:15: “Moses built an altar and named it ‘The LORD is My Banner’ (Y-H-W-H-Nissi).”
Before this verse, the Israelites had just fought their first battle after leaving Egypt, defeating the Amalekites. The Hebrew word נסי (Nissi) can be translated as “my banner” or “my miracle” (See Rashi). The Bible uses this word without further explanation, likely as an intentional double meaning—inviting readers to reflect on both interpretations and their connection.
Nissi as “My Miracle”
If Nissi means “my miracle,” a question arises: Why does Moses name the altar after God’s miracles HERE, rather than after greater supernatural miracles mentioned earlier, such as the parting of the Red Sea or bringing water from a rock? This battle does not seem to involve an overt supernatural event!
The answer may be that this miracle is more like the ones that the believers in later generations will experience. The Israelites, who had been slaves, transformed into warriors and won their first battle—this is the kind of miracle that still occurs frequently. For example, by God’s grace, last year I collaborated with scholars from another field and published my first two papers in that discipline—one of them in a top-five journal with a high impact factor.
In this battle, God did not speak directly to the Israelites or to Moses, yet He demonstrated His will through the course of the battle. Exodus 17:11 states, “Whenever Moses held up his hands, Israel prevailed; and whenever he lowered his hands, Amalek prevailed.” Today, believers often encounter similar situations. Even non-believers, hearing these testimonies, might dismiss them as mere coincidences. However, Moses’ act of building the altar and naming it Y-H-W-H-Nissi after this seemingly ordinary battle declares an important truth: these seemingly non-supernatural miracles are also worth remembering, and they, too, are God’s miracles.
Nissi as “My Banner”
If Nissi means “my banner,” we can refer to the discussion in Tur HaArokh. Moses went up the mountain to raise his staff, which functioned like a battle flag for the Israelites to see. When soldiers saw their banner raised high, their courage increased, leading to victory. Conversely, when they saw it lowered, they lost confidence and were defeated. This is why Exodus 17:11 states, “Whenever Moses held up his hands, Israel prevailed; and whenever he lowered his hands, Amalek prevailed.”
To boost morale, Moses’ staff was the best possible battle flag. During the Exodus, the Creator let Moses use this staff to perform many miracles:
- To bring hail, darkness, and locusts upon Egypt, punishing Pharaoh’s stubbornness.
- To summon the east wind to part the Red Sea, allowing the Israelites to pass.
- To signal the waters to return, drowning the Egyptian army.
- Recently, to strike the rock, providing water for millions in the desert.
The Israelites, though inexperienced in war, saw Moses raise the staff and were reminded of God’s power. If even the sea could part at God’s command, how much more could He deliver them from mere human enemies?
The Connection Between Miracle and Banner
The Hebrew word נס (nes) means both “miracle” and “banner.” This suggests that one purpose of God’s miracles is to serve as a banner—encouraging His people, giving them courage to fight for Him, and strengthening their faith in victory through Him.
God’s miracles are His banners. The LORD is my miracle. The LORD is my banner.
出埃及记17:15 “摩 西 筑 了 一 座 坛 , 起 名 叫 耶 和 华 尼 西 ( 就 是 耶 和 华 是 我 旌 旗 的 意 思 ) ,”
在这节经文之前,以色列人出埃及以后刚打了第一仗,击败了来犯的亚马利人。经文中的尼西נסי这个希伯来语,可以翻译成“我的旌旗”或“我的奇迹”(参见Rashi https://www.sefaria.org/Rashi_on_Exodus.17.15.2?lang=bi)。圣经选用这个词并且没有给予解释,很可能是有意的一语双关,让读者对两个含义都作思考,并思考两者之间的联系。
按照尼西=“我的奇迹”的解释,我们可能会先注意到一个问题:在这一次战斗中,好像并没有发生像前文讲到的红海分开,磐石出水这那样的超自然奇迹!为什么摩西筑坛并起名为造物主是我的奇迹,并不是在前文更大的奇迹之后,而是在这次看似没有超自然现象发生的征战得胜之后呢?原来,这次的奇迹会更像后代信徒们所遇到的奇迹。以色列人从奴隶变成战士,却首战得胜,这是今天也时常发生的一类奇迹。比如说,感谢主的恩典,去年我与其他专业的学者们合作发表了我在那个领域的头两篇论文,其中一篇是在那个学科的排名前五的杂志,影响因子很高。在以色列人的首战过程中,造物主没有明确地对以色列人或对摩西说话,而是通过掌管胜负的行动来表现祂的意志,比如出埃及记17:11说“摩 西 何 时 举 手 , 以 色 列 人 就 得 胜 , 何 时 垂 手 , 亚 玛 力 人 就 得 胜 。” 今天信徒遇到的情况也常常如此,甚至不信的人听到信徒的见证可能认为只是巧合。但偏偏在以色列人这次看似不起眼的首战得胜之后,摩西筑了坛,并起名为造物主是尼西“我的奇迹”,这明确地宣告,这种在后辈身上会更经常发生的奇迹,也是值得纪念的奇迹,也是造物主为我所行的奇迹。
按照尼西=“我的旌旗”解释,我们可以参考Tur HaArokh中的一部分讨论
摩西上山是为了举起他的杖,这就像举起了旌旗,为了让以色列的战士看到。如果看到旌旗举起,战士们就勇气倍增,征战得胜,反之,看到旌旗垂下,就可能失去勇气,从战场败退,这就是为什么出埃及记17:11说“摩 西 何 时 举 手 , 以 色 列 人 就 得 胜 , 何 时 垂 手 , 亚 玛 力 人 就 得 胜 。” 为了鼓励士气,摩西的举杖,就是最好的战旗,因为在出埃及过程中,造物主让摩西用这个杖行了很多神迹奇事,曾经带来冰雹,黑暗,蝗虫,惩罚顽固的埃及人,也曾经用这杖带来东风分开红海,让以色列人过去,又曾举杖让海水复回淹没埃及追兵,不久前还用这个杖击打过磐石,让几百万人畜在干燥的旷野有足够的水喝。刚出埃及的以色列人虽然没有打过仗,但一看到摩西举杖,就知道造物主在帮助他们,即使是海水都会分开,更何况面对的只是血肉之躯的敌人呢?
那么,这两种解释之间又有什么关系吗? 奇迹与旌旗,在希伯来语用同一个词נס表达,我觉得这也表示了造物主行神迹奇事的一个目的,就是鼓励祂的子民,让他们有为主征战的勇气和靠主得胜的信心。主为我们所行的奇迹,也是主为我们所立的旌旗。造物主是我的奇迹,造物主是我的旌旗。