(创49)圣经祝福里的十活物 The Ten Living Creatures in Biblical Blessings (Genesis 49)
(ChatGPT translation from Chinese, edited by Mijiale, 中文在后面)
Judah ben Tema said: “Be bold as a leopard, light as an eagle, swift as a deer, and strong as a lion to do the will of your Father in Heaven” (Pirkei Avot 5:20).
In Genesis 49, before Jacob (also called Israel) passed away, he also blessed his sons with many animal metaphors. Judah was compared to a lion, Issachar to a donkey, Dan to a snake, Naphtali to a deer, and Benjamin to a wolf. Later, in Deuteronomy, Moses blessed the tribes of Israel before his death, adding an ox to describe Joseph’s tribes.
In the blessings of Jacob and Moses within the Torah, there are six explicitly mentioned animals: lion, donkey, snake, deer, wolf, and ox. Additionally, four more creatures are implied: sheep, fish, eagle, and man, making a total of ten living creatures.
Sources of the Implied Creatures
- Sheep:
Jacob described the Creator as “the God who has been my shepherd all my life to this day” (Genesis 48:15), implicitly comparing himself and his descendants—the Israelites—to sheep. Ezekiel 34:31 confirms this metaphor: “You are my sheep, the sheep of my pasture, and I am your God.” - Fish:
In Genesis 48:16, Jacob blessed Ephraim and Manasseh, saying, “…may they multiply greatly in the earth.” The Hebrew root of “multiply” (dag, דג) relates to fish, signifying a blessing for fruitfulness like fish (see Rashi on Genesis 48:16).
https://www.sefaria.org/Rashi_on_Genesis.48.16?lang=bi - Eagle:
In Deuteronomy 33:23, Moses blessed Naphtali: “Naphtali is abounding with the favor of the Lord…” The Hebrew initial letters of this blessing spell nesher (נשר), the word for eagle.
https://images.shulcloud.com/14177/uploads/MM/5784/Newsletter2023-10-13ShabbatBereshit.pdf - Man:
In Deuteronomy 33:29, Moses concluded with a blessing: “Blessed are you, Israel! Who is like you, a people saved by the Lord…” The term “people” implies humans.
A Personal Experience
In autumn 2023, I experienced severe back pains, probably from long hours of programming and writing. While browsing a booklet on simple Tai Chi movements, I tried imitating its poses and experienced relief. This prompted reflection on movement-based therapies like Tai Chi (inspired by the crane and snake) and China’s Five Animal Frolics (tiger, deer, bear, monkey, and bird). Initially, I hesitated because the Bible emphasizes humans being created in God’s image, distinct from animals.
However, I remembered how Jacob used animal metaphors to bless his descendants. Then, I identified ten living creatures from the blessings of Jacob and Moses and sought to emulate their movements, while also praying for God’s blessings. Through these movements, I experienced healing and spiritual growth. These memories may not be exact, but roughly speaking the process is like the following:
- Issachar – The Strong Donkey
“Issachar is a rawboned donkey lying down between two saddlebags” (Genesis 49:14).
Jewish interpretation (recorded in Rashi) explains this as Issachar’s diligence in studying Scripture, producing leaders who guided Israel (1 Chronicles 12:32).
I mimicked the motions of a donkey pulling a cart or grinding a mill, while also praying for strength to bear God’s yoke, study His Word diligently, and serve Him faithfully. According to this approach, one could aim for better physical fitness, while also fostering perseverance and spiritual dedication. - Naphtali – The Released Deer
“Naphtali is a doe set free that gives beautiful words” (Genesis 49:21).
I performed movements resembling a swift deer and prayed to be quick to act according to God’s will and spread His beautiful words. In addition to promoting health, this exercise could also promote agility and efficiency in serving God.
The Scripture is not only theological but can also be practical, when one connects faith to everyday life. By emulating the qualities of these ten living creatures, one may experience both physical healing and spiritual renewal, affirming the relevance of biblical blessings in modern life.
犹大·本·特玛说:“应像豹一样勇敢,像鹰一样轻灵,像鹿一样迅速,像狮子一样强壮,以践行天父的旨意。”《先贤箴言》(Pirkei Avot)第五章第二十节
创世记49章雅各(又名以色列)去世前祝福儿孙们,也用了很多动物的比喻, 其中有犹大像狮子, 以萨迦像驴,但像蛇, 拿 弗 他 利像鹿,便雅悯像狼。后来申命记记载摩西去世前祝福以色列的支派, 还用牛的比喻祝福约瑟支派。摩西五经在雅各和摩西的祝福里,除了明确提到的狮, 驴, 蛇,鹿, 狼,牛,六种活物,还有隐含提到的四种活物,羊,鱼,鹰,人,加在一起一共十活物。
羊的出处,是因为以色列在创48:15把赐福的造物主称为“一 生 牧 养 我 直 到 今 日”的那一位,这就隐含着把自己和自己的后代,所有的以色列人,都比作羊。以西结34:31也说”你 们 作 我 的 羊 , 我 草 场 上 的 羊 , 乃 是 以 色 列 人 , 我 也 是 你 们 的 神 。 这 是 主 耶 和 华 说 的 。”
鱼的出处,是在创48:16以色列祝福以法莲玛纳西时,说“…又 愿 他 们 在 世 界 中 生 养 众 多”, 这里含有鱼דג的词根,就像是祝福他们像鱼那样生养众多。参见https://www.sefaria.org/Rashi_on_Genesis.48.16?lang=bi
鹰的出处, 是摩西在申命记33:23说的“… 拿 弗 他 利 阿 , 你 足 沾 恩 惠 ,…” 这句话的希伯来语有三个单词,字头构成נשר ,鹰。参见https://images.shulcloud.com/14177/uploads/MM/5784/Newsletter2023-10-13ShabbatBereshit.pdf
人的出处,是摩西在申命记33:29说的总结性祝福: “以 色 列 阿 , 你 是 有 福 的 。 谁 象 你 这 蒙 耶 和 华 所 拯 救 的 百 姓 呢 ?…” 百姓,是人。
主让我找到圣经祝福里的这十种活物,有一个奇特的过程。2023年秋天, 因为长时间坐着编程序写论文, 我腰背出了问题, 有时感觉就好像脱节了似的, 有时突然地剧痛。 我看见一本简易太极拳的小册子, 按上面的图案比划两次,居然感觉好了很多。 太极拳是模仿鹤蛇相争的动作的。中国还有模仿虎鹿熊猿鸟动作的五禽戏。我对这些一开始有些疑虑, 因为圣经说人是按神的形象被造的,怎么能模仿动物的动作呢? 后来,我突然想到创世记里雅各去世前祝福儿孙们,也用了很多动物的比喻,于是我就从雅各和摩西的祝福里找出十种活物,模仿这些活物的动作,求造物主祝福,后来主医治了我的腰背。这些回忆,细节记得不一定准确,大概是这样的:
举个例子, 创49:14说,
我就学强壮的驴拉车或拉磨的动作,同时说愿造物主祝福我想驴那样强壮, 可以很好地负祂的轭,刻苦学习祂的话语,侍奉祂。按这样的思路,除了健身,也可以培养努力上进的性格。