(创18)造物主的显现 (Genesis18)The Appearance of the Creator
(ChatGPT translation from Chinese, edited by Mijiale, 中文在后面)
Those unfamiliar with Christianity might ask, “Does the Creator truly exist? If He exists, why doesn’t He appear to us?”
This week’s reading portion is called “Appearance,” covering Genesis 18–22, five chapters in total. It begins by saying, “The Lord appeared to Abraham near the great trees of Mamre” (Genesis 18:1). The Bible then records the Creator appearing to Abraham as three visitors who eat a meal and foretell that he will have a son the following year. If the Bible’s account is reliable, why doesn’t the Creator appear to humanity now?
I guess that for those who aren’t holy enough, seeing the Lord might be dangerous. Genesis 22 tells us that Abraham’s timely and precise understanding of the Lord’s words was a matter of life and death when he was about to sacrifice Isaac. So, if people today blindly pursue seeing or hearing the Lord for vanity or other reasons, they might be misled by their personal desires, leading to misunderstandings and even losses. Moreover, in Genesis 18, the Creator appeared in the form of three men, possibly foreshadowing the Christian doctrines of incarnation and the Trinity. Now that the New Testament has clearly realized and explained these concepts, such appearances are generally unnecessary until the future kingdom during the millennium.
Nonetheless, the Creator still manifests His presence to humanity, often in more general ways. The Hebrew term for “appearance” means “to be seen” (source). My interpretation of this passive form is as follows: the truth is, the Creator’s works are everywhere; He is omnipresent and omnitemporal. It’s simply that our “sight” is usually unfocused on seeking Him, so we don’t see Him. When He removes the obstacles to our “sight,” He can then “be seen” by us.
This “seeing” usually doesn’t involve observing a luminous or reflective form, but rather recognizing His presence through His broader works. Additionally, He often reveals His actions when we genuinely need them or when we are helpless. For instance, my wife often finds something she’s been looking for after praying. This summer, before my trip abroad, I was frantically packing and couldn’t find something essential, like a SIM card or hand sanitizer, which was worrying as I didn’t want to miss my flight. I was upset and might have blamed others for misplacing my things, but after I prayed as my wife suggested, I quickly found it, and similarly I found several other items, one of which even in a place I had previously searched. My daughter saw this unfold firsthand. It was clear to us that the Lord is a living God. Unfortunately, my focus was on catching the flight at that time, so I didn’t “see” the Lord Himself.
Yesterday, my wife mentioned that the Bible records the Creator appearing to Abraham ten times. When we reviewed the scriptures, we found only three instances explicitly mentioning “appearing,” while the other seven involve the Creator “speaking” to Abraham without any recorded appearance. Yet my wife believes that “speaking” is also a kind of manifestation since it reveals the existence of the one speaking. She said that she had at least three instances of the Lord speaking to her, using Bible verses to comfort her. One was related to finding a partner, another to her mother’s passing, and the third to her illness. I, too, have had experiences of “seeing” the Lord—not His form but signs on the ground that conveyed His intent to save me in times of trouble.
Reflecting on this, we also noticed that the Lord usually speaks to us when we are alone. We speculate this might be because when we are together, we’re focused on each other and so “don’t see” the Lord; or only listen to each other, not paying attention to the Lord’s words. Even when we mention the Lord, it’s often in the third person. In the Bible, nine out of ten times that the Lord speaks to Abraham, He speaks to him alone. Of course, there are exceptions; for instance, the Creator often speaks to multiple people through a pastor’s sermon. Unfortunately, when people’s hearts are distracted by other things, they may miss the Lord’s words, and fail to “see” the Lord Himself.
Let’s encourage one another with the words of the Creator recorded in Jeremiah 29:13: “You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart.”
不了解基督教的人很可能会问, 造物主真的存在吗?如果存在,怎么不显现给我们看见呢?
本周的读经进度叫“显现”,是圣经创世记18-22,共五章。一开始(创18:1)就说造物主“在 幔 利 橡 树 那 里 , 向 亚 伯 拉 罕 显 现 出 来 。” 然后圣经记载造物主以三个访客的形式向亚伯拉罕显现,在他家吃饭,并预告他明年会得一个儿子。如果圣经的记载是可信的,那么造物主现在为什么不向人类显现呢?
昨天我太太告诉我,圣经里造物主向亚伯拉罕显现了十次。我们一起翻看圣经验证一下,结果发现其中只有三次明确提到“显现”,而其他七次是造物主对亚伯拉罕“说话”,并没有记载出现形象。但我太太认为“说话”也是一种显现,因为能显示出说话者的存在。她说她自己也曾经至少经历过三次主对她说话,都是用圣经上的话安慰她。一次是与找对象有关,一次与她母亲去世有关,还有一次在她生病时主的话安慰她。我自己也有过“看见”主的经历,不是看见造物主的形象,而是在困境中通过看见一些地上的记号,体会到祂要拯救我,参见 http://mijiale.mypressonline.com/2022/11/01/(创16)拉海莱-关于活的看顾我的那一位/
让我们以耶利米书29:13里所记载的造物主的话语互勉: “你 们 寻 求 我 , 若 专 心 寻 求 我 , 就 必 寻 见 。”