一个见证(A testimony)
(ChatGPT translation from Chinese, edited by Mijiale, 中文在后面)
Since last week, I may have contracted COVID-19, and I haven’t fully recovered yet. I pray for the Lord’s continued healing.
I owe a testimony for the Lord. Since August 2019, for over four years and eleven months, I haven’t been vaccinated, and the Lord has kept me from contracting COVID-19 or catching a cold. This is a long time, longer than a typical four-year college duration. In March 2020, when COVID-19 started spreading in the United States, everyone was very anxious. At that time, the Lord encouraged me through Psalm 91: “Whoever dwells in the secret place of the Most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty.” Coincidentally, our house number matches the numerical value of “Almighty” in Hebrew letters. Also, our house seems to be under a wing because of the overhanging roof. I had a feeling then that I wouldn’t contract COVID-19 at home because the Almighty protects me. So, I began to stay at home and reduce outings.
This time, I got sick because I came to China to see my father after the restrictions were lifted. I didn’t get sick when I came last year, so I was a bit careless this year and sometimes didn’t wear a mask. I think getting sick is related to my negligence, but it’s also within the Lord’s will. The Lord has shown mercy, as there is now a well-established system for ordering delivery, allowing me to buy medicine and food without going out.
Currently, my nose and throat haven’t fully recovered. Yesterday, during the spice ceremony at the end of the Sabbath (https://www.hebrew4christians.com/~hebrewfo/Blessings/Over_Spices/over_fragrances.html), I found I could hardly smell the fragrance. It made me realize that having a sense of smell is not something to be taken for granted. I also feel that my focus and patience during prayer and Bible reading are not as good as before. I hope the Lord will fully restore my health so that I can serve Him normally with all my functions.
我欠着为主作的一个见证。从2019年8月以来,超过四年11个月,没有打过疫苗,主保守我一直没有得新冠,也没感冒。这是很长的时间,比一般人大学四年时间还长。2020年3月新冠开始在美国流行,当时大家很紧张,当时主通过诗篇91篇 鼓励我,“住 在 至 高 者 隐 密 处 的 , 必 住 在 全 能 者 的 荫 下 。” 很巧的是,我们家的门牌号与“全 能 者 ”按希伯莱字母所表示的数字相同。而且我们家好像在一个翅膀底下,因为屋檐比较长。当时我有个感动,我在家里不会得新冠,因为全能者保护我。于是我开始居家减少外出。这次我是因为开放以后来中国看我爸爸,在中国生病的。因为去年也来过,没有得病,所以今年有些大意,有时候不戴口罩。我想生病虽然与自己的疏忽有关,但也在主的旨意里,主也怜悯我,现在已经有很成熟的系统订外卖,可以不出门就买药买食物。现在鼻子嗓子还没完全恢复,昨天安在息日结束时闻香料的仪式时,https://www.hebrew4christians.com/~hebrewfo/Blessings/Over_Spices/over_fragrances.html