(利25)无息贷款的诫命 (Leviticus 25) Commandment of Interest-Free Loans

(利25)无息贷款的诫命 (Leviticus 25) Commandment of Interest-Free Loans

(ChatGPT translation from Chinese, edited by Mijiale, 中文在后面)

The New Testament says in Acts 20:35, “It is more blessed to give than to receive.” Besides giving the principal, according to the Old Testament, lending to an Israelite without charging interest is also following the Creator’s commandment. Leviticus 25:37 says, “You shall not lend him your money at interest, nor give him your food for profit.” For many, lending money rather than giving it away allows them to provide more funds and solve bigger problems. Here’s a related example adapted from real events:

A father in China saved some money for his retirement. His son, living in a big city in the United States, couldn’t afford to buy a house for many years. After the financial crisis in 2008, housing prices dropped significantly, and the son borrowed over $30,000 from his father to make a down payment. Soon after, he repaid his father, and the housing prices increased again. The $30,000 was initially meant for the father’s retirement and hiring a caregiver, a significant amount for someone in China. If it were given as a loan, it would be feasible; if it were a gift, given the father’s financial situation, he could only afford to give his son about $10,000.

Relatedly, Leviticus 25:35 says, “And if your brother becomes poor and is not able to make a living, then you are to keep him with you, helping him as you would a man from another country who is living among you.”  Rashi has an explanation about this verse, https://www.sefaria.org/Rashi_on_Leviticus.25.35?lang=bi

that one should not wait until his brother has fallen and cannot get up again; support him as soon as his strength begins to fail. This is like an overloaded donkey —while the load is still on its back, one person can balance it, but if it falls, five cannot lift it up.

There’s another related example adapted from real events: A private business owner in China had a medical accident. When his wife took over, creditors came demanding payment, and the factory couldn’t pay wages. She borrowed hundreds of thousands in RMB from overseas relatives to pay off the debts and compensate the workers, preventing the factory from collapsing. Soon, with effective management, she repaid the relatives. The relatives’ money was originally saved in the bank, perhaps for their children’s education, but now it served an urgent need, which was more meaningful. If they had waited until the workers dispersed and the factory collapsed, it would have been beyond their capacity to support the wife, her two young children, and her husband who was hospitalized long-term.

Therefore, the Bible is very wise. Jews even consider providing interest-free loans to needy brethren the highest form of charity (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tzedakah), ranking it even above giving outright gifts (https://library.yctorah.org/2016/09/mitzvah-of-lending-money/). So, don’t underestimate interest-free loans just because they involve interest rather than principal—this too is a beneficial Biblical teaching!


新约说,(徒20:35)“施 比 受 更 为 有 福 ”。除了施舍本金以外,根据旧约教导,对以色列人来说,(向有需要的弟兄)施舍利息也是遵行造物主的诫命,利未记25:37说: “你 借 钱 给 他 , 不 可 向 他 取 利 , 借 粮 给 他 , 也 不 可 向 他 多 要 。” 对很多人来说,比起无偿施舍给别人,贷款给别人能出得起更多的钱,解决更大的问题。有个根据真实情况改编的有关的例子:


与此相关,利未记25:35说: “你 的 弟 兄 在 你 那 里 若 渐 渐 贫 穷 , 手 中 缺 乏 , 你 就 要 帮 补 他 , 使 他 与 你 同 住 , 像 外 人 和 寄 居 的 一 样 。” 关于这一句话,Rashi的注释有一种比喻,https://www.sefaria.org/Rashi_on_Leviticus.25.35?lang=bi


