(出40) 今世如何为来世作预备?
(Exodus 40) How can we prepare for the world to come in this present age?
(ChatGPT translation from Chinese, edited by Mijiale, 中文在后面)
Exodus 16:23 teaches that on the day before the Sabbath, known as the preparation day in the New Testament (Mark 15:42), one should prepare food in advance for the Sabbath, as cooking and harvesting are forbidden on that day (Exodus 35:3, 16:29). The Sabbath symbolizes the world to come, and the preparation day symbolizes the present age. So, how do we prepare food for the coming world in this present age?
In John 4:34, Jesus says, “My food is to do the will of Him who sent me and to finish His work.” In this present age, the work we do – the “fire we kindle” and “the food we prepare” for the world to come – is to glorify the Creator on earth. This work mirrors what happened when the sanctuary was completed at the end of Exodus: “Moses finished the work, and the cloud covered the tent of meeting, and the glory of the L-rd filled the tabernacle” (Exodus 40:33-34). Just as the prepared food impacts the enjoyment of the Sabbath, believers’ work for the Lord in this present age affects their portion in the world to come.
Why not cook and eat on the Sabbath day itself? Why not wait until the world-to-come to earn our portion? Why prepare in advance in this present age? Before conveying the command to build the sanctuary in Exodus 35, Moses emphasized the Sabbath. This suggests that the work of building the sanctuary should cease on the Sabbath day (Rashi on Exodus 35:2.1: https://www.sefaria.org/Rashi_on_Exodus.35.2.1?lang=bi&with=all). I think this is because building the sanctuary is humanity’s work in this age to welcome the glory of the Creator, while the Sabbath symbolizes the world to come, when the glory of the Creator is already manifest everywhere. The challenges encountered in working for the Lord in this present age will no longer exist in the coming world. In that future era, we will reign with the L-rd, and the work will be easy and joyful. There will be no more rewards for overcoming difficulties, enduring hardship, facing persecution for righteousness’ sake, or martyrdom.
Let us, in this present age, prepare the work that “cannot be done on Sabbath” – building the sanctuary to manifest the Lord’s glory throughout the earth. Let’s prepare for the coming world and eagerly anticipate the day when the “perfect Sabbath” arrives.
(出40) 今世如何为来世作预备?
出埃及记16:23教导,在安息日的前一天,就是在新约所说的预备日(可15:42),要为安息日的饮食预先做准备,因为在安息日不能生火做饭(出35:3),也不能出去收获从天而降的粮食(出16:29)。安息日象征来世,预备日象征今世。那么,在今世怎样为来世预备食物呢?在约翰福音4:34,耶稣说,“我 的 食 物 , 就 是 遵 行 差 我 来 者 的 旨 意 , 作 成 他 的 工 。” 我们在今世,为来世做预备所生的火,所做的饭,就是为造物主作工,在地上彰显祂的荣耀。作这个工,就是为了出埃及记结束时圣所建成时所发生的那样的事情,在全地的范围发生:(出40:33-34)“…。 这 样 , 摩 西 就 完 了 工 。当 时 , 云 彩 遮 盖 会 幕 , 耶 和 华 的 荣 光 就 充 满 了 帐 幕 。” 就像预备日所准备的食物,会影响安息日的享受,同样,信徒们在今世为主所作的工,会影响到他们来世的份。
那么,为什么我们不能在安息日当天做饭当天吃呢?为什么不能等到来世才赚取来世的份呢? 为什么要在今世就努力就预先作准备呢?出埃及记35章摩西传达建造圣所的命令前,先强调了安息日,Rashi解经认为,这表示造圣所的工在安息日要停止https://www.sefaria.org/Rashi_on_Exodus.35.2.1?lang=bi&with=all。 我觉得,这是因为造圣所是人类在今世为了迎接造物主的荣耀而作的工,而安息日象征来世,那时造物主的荣耀已经在全地彰显。今世为主作工过程中所遇到的艰难,是来世不再会有的,因为在来世,主与我们一起作王,那时的工作轻松愉快,也就不再有克服困难的奖赏,不再有吃苦吃亏的奖赏,不再有为义受逼迫的奖赏,不再有为主殉道的奖赏。