(创48)如 以 法 莲 玛 拿 西 (Genesis 48) Like Ephraim and Manasseh

(创48)如 以 法 莲 玛 拿 西 (Genesis 48) Like Ephraim and Manasseh

(Chat GPT translation from Chinese, edited by Mijiale, 中文在后面)

Genesis 48:20 says, “On that day, he blessed them, saying, ‘By you, Israel will bless, saying, ‘May God make you like Ephraim and Manasseh.”’ Thus, he placed Ephraim above Manasseh.”

Why do the Israelites want to be like Ephraim and Manasseh?

From examining the literature, I’ve summarized the following:

1. They lived peaceful lives, unlike their ancestors who faced challenges. Abraham had to migrate far away, Isaac was nearly sacrificed, Jacob had to avoid his brother’s threats, and Joseph was sold into slavery. [1] (This may refer to the peace in the lives of Ephraim and Manasseh at that time. After their father’s generation passed away, Egyptians might have started showing hostility towards the Israelites. )

2. Even though Israel placed Ephraim above Manasseh, the brothers did not quarrel, unlike siblings in the past such as Cain and Abel, Isaac and Ishmael, Esau and Jacob, and Joseph and his brothers. [2]

3. They grew up in Egypt, surrounded by superstitions, yet they were not assimilated. [2]

4. One (Manasseh) learned secular skills from his father, while the other (Ephraim) studied theology with his grandfather. [3][4] This is why Ephraim was placed ahead of Manasseh, suggesting that secular talents should serve the kingdom of God. Their combined strengths illustrate the harmony between secular and theological aspects, emphasizing that they shouldn’t contradict but work together to glorify the Creator.

5. Genesis 48:5 states that Jacob said, “Before I came to Egypt, Ephraim and Manasseh, whom you bore in Egypt, are mine; they shall be mine as Reuben and Simeon are.” [5] Ephraim and Manasseh were different from Jacob’s other grandchildren; they were elevated to the status of sons, becoming two tribes of Israel. This symbolizes the importance of being used in God’s kingdom that surpasses the order in time. Jesus also mentioned a similar sentiment in Luke 13:30 (“And, behold, there are last which shall be first, and there are first which shall be last.”)

6. Genesis 48:16 mentions Jacob blessing the two brothers: “May they grow into a multitude in the midst of the earth.” [6] Being like Ephraim and Manasseh may also imply growing in number. The original meaning of this blessing might refer to having many biological descendants, but I believe it can also mean teaching many students, whether in the field of science or the Bible. Especially the latter, having many can imply spreading the gospel and leading many to believe in the Lord. This interpretation is based on Rashi’s explanation of this passage [7]. The original phrase ‘grow into a multitude’ conveys the idea of being as numerous as fish, which is reminiscent of the New Testament’s saying ‘I will make you fishers of men’ (Matthew 4:19).”

Even today, Jews bless boys in this manner every Sabbath. (For girls, the blessing refers to Sarah, Rebecca, Rachel, and Leah, and for everyone, it is the blessing in Numbers 6:24-26.) [8] If you’re a Christian, as a spiritual Israelite, you can use this blessing to encourage yourself or bless your descendants, wishing them to be like Ephraim and Manasseh.

Related links:

[1] https://theisraelbible.com/why-do-we-bless-our-children-to-be-like-ephraim-and-manasseh/

[2] https://judaism.stackexchange.com/questions/51336/may-god-make-you-like-ephraim-and-like-manasseh-in-what-way

[3] https://ha-mtl.org/the-bracha-of-ephraim-and-menashe/

[4] https://www.kby.org/english/torat-yavneh/view.asp?id=8974

[5] https://outorah.org/p/62987/

[6] https://aish.com/48942061/

[7] https://www.sefaria.org/Rashi_on_Genesis.48.16.3?lang=bi

[8] https://www.myjewishlearning.com/article/blessing-the-children/


(创48)如 以 法 莲 玛 拿 西

创世纪48:20说:“当 日 就 给 他 们 祝 福 说 , 以 色 列 人 要 指 着 你 们 祝 福 说 , 愿 神 使 你 如 以 法 莲 , 玛 拿 西 一 样 。 于 是 立 以 法 莲 在 玛 拿 西 以 上。”

为什么以色列人要像以 法 莲 , 玛 拿 西 一 样 ?


1. 他们日子过得平安,不像他们前四代的祖先们,亚伯拉罕要移居远方,以撒差点被献祭,雅各要躲避哥哥的威胁,约瑟被哥哥们出卖为奴。【1】

(这点应该是指到经文当时为止,以 法 莲 , 玛 拿 西年轻时的平安情况。他们的父亲一代去世后,有可能埃及人开始对以色列人开始了敌视。)

2. 即使以色列立次子以 法 莲 于玛 拿 西之上,他们兄弟之间也没有相争,不像以前相争的兄弟们,如该隐亚伯,以撒以实玛利,以扫雅各,约瑟和他哥哥们。【2】

3. 他们从小生活在充满迷信的埃及,但是没有被他们同化。【2】

4. 他们一个(玛 拿 西)从小跟爸爸学到处理世俗事物的技能,另一个(以 法 莲)年轻时就跟爷爷学神学。【3】【4】这也是为什么以 法 莲被立于玛 拿 西之上,因为世俗事物的才能应该为神的国度服务。他们一起相征二者的完美配合。世人常认为世俗的事与神学二者是矛盾的,又比如养家糊口与学圣经的关系,又比如科学与信仰的关系。但科学的来源是创造的奇妙。二者不应该相互矛盾,而应该共同配合为主所用,彰显造物主的荣耀。

5. 创48:5雅各这样说:“我 未 到 埃 及 见 你 之 先 , 你 在 埃 及 地 所 生 的 以 法 莲 和 玛 拿 西 这 两 个 儿 子 是 我 的 , 正 如 流 便 和 西 缅 是 我 的 一 样 。” 以 法 莲 和 玛 拿 西 与雅各的其他孙子们不一样,他们得到了儿子辈的身份,成为以色利人的两个支派【5】。我觉得这象征超越资历被主使用,在神的国度里起不可缺少的作用。耶稣在路加福音13:30也说过相关的话: “只 是 有 在 后 的 将 要 在 前 , 有 在 前 的 将 要 在 后 。”

6. 创48:16雅各还祝福这两兄弟:“又 愿 他 们 在 世 界 中 生 养 众 多 。”所以如 以 法 莲 , 玛 拿 西 一 样,应该也包括生养众多的意思。【6】


原文“生 养 众 多 ”有如鱼一样多的意思,而新约里又有得人如得鱼的说法(太4:19)。


如果你是基督徒,作为属灵的以色利人,我觉得也可以用这个祝福勉励自己,也可以用来祝福自己的后辈,愿主使 你,如 以 法 莲 , 玛 拿 西 一 样。








