(出28)烏 陵 和 土 明 (Exodus 28) The Urim and Thummim (Translated from Chinese by ChapGPT, edited by mijiale, 中文在后面) (Revised in 3/2025, originally written in 2/2014, previously published in Huai En Quarterly) Exodus 28:30 – “And you shall put in the breastplate of judgment the Urim and the Thummim…” The Urim and Thummim… Continue reading (出28)烏 陵 和 土 明 (Exodus 28) The Urim and Thummim
Tag: tetsaveh“你吩咐” 出埃及记27:20-30:10
tetsaveh“你吩咐” 出埃及记27:20-30:10音像文件
tetsaveh“你吩咐” 出埃及记27:20-30:10 2025查经实况录像(约 57分钟,143MB) 介绍了一些借鉴犹太传统的查经前后的祷告和有关经文。 讨论了祭司的衣着和乌陵土明。 ****** tetsaveh“你吩咐” 出埃及记27:20-30:10 2024查经实况录像(约 45分钟,56MB) 录像中大祭司头戴的金牌上的希伯来文可能我阅读得不准确,请读者不要以之为准,也求主怜悯赦免。 ******
(出27-30)红花与绿叶 (Exodus 27-31) Red flowers and green leaves
(出27-30)红花与绿叶 (Exodus 27-31) Red flowers and green leaves (ChatGPT translation from Chinese, edited by Mijiale, 中文在后面) In China, there’s a proverb: ‘红花虽好,还需绿叶相扶,’ which translates to ‘Red flowers, though beautiful, still need green leaves for support.’ In the Old and New Testaments, Moses’s name appears more than twice as much as his brother Aaron’s, resembling the… Continue reading (出27-30)红花与绿叶 (Exodus 27-31) Red flowers and green leaves
My notes on Tetzaveh
Parashat Tetzaveh (Exodus 27:20-30:10) Exodus 27 (continued) 27:20 And thou shalt command the children of Israel, that they bring thee pure oil olive beaten for the light, to cause the lamp to burn always. Comment: Gd’s chosen people is likened by oil in many ways: (Adapted from, e.g., https://www.sefaria.org/Shemot_Rabbah.36?lang=bi) (1) It gathers together. (See… Continue reading My notes on Tetzaveh
(出28)最宝贵的衣服: 归主为圣
(出28)最宝贵的衣服: 归主为圣 我妈妈给儿女们做过很多衣服,有些现在还在,她去世后我不舍得穿了。我太太不太做衣服,但我女儿小小年纪就感兴趣学针织。 出埃及记28章是圣经里很特殊的,比较传统的女生可能喜欢看,因为这一章讲了很多做衣服的事。我们看到一套圣经里最宝贵的衣服,按穿戴顺序(参考:出29:5,6;利8:7-9),有 细麻内裤(出28:42), 杂色细麻内袍(出28:39), 绣 花 的 手 工 腰 带(出28:39), 蓝色羊毛外袍(出28:31)(袍 子 周 围 底 边 上 用 蓝 色 , 紫 色 , 朱 红 色 线 作 石 榴 。 在 袍 子 周 围 的 石 榴 中 间 有 金 铃 铛 (出28:33)); 以弗得围裙(出28:6)(用金 线 和 蓝 色… Continue reading (出28)最宝贵的衣服: 归主为圣