shemini“第八” 利未记9-11 查经实况录像(约 50分钟,150MB) ******
Tag: shemini“第八” 利未记9-11
(利10)拿 答 与 亚 比 户 (Leviticus 10) Nadab and Abihu
(利10)拿 答 与 亚 比 户 (Leviticus 10) Nadab and Abihu (ChatGPT translation from Chinese, edited by Mijiale, 中文在后面) At the moment of the inauguration of the tabernacle, when the glory of the Creator descended and the people rejoiced (Leviticus 9:24), a sad event occurred: Aaron’s two sons were consumed by fire for the mistake… Continue reading (利10)拿 答 与 亚 比 户 (Leviticus 10) Nadab and Abihu
My notes on Shemini
Parashat Shemini (Leviticus 9-11) Leviticus 9 9:1 And it came to pass on the eighth day, that Moses called Aaron and his sons, and the elders of Israel; Comment: “the eighth day”: Although this is the eight day since the start of the week-long sanctification process of the tent of meeting, this is also… Continue reading My notes on Shemini
犹太拉比解释摩西五经用p,r,d,s四层方法,说这表示主的话像乐园paradise,因为prds是paradise的辅音字母(希伯来语只有辅音字母)。 p=pashat,是simple表面的意思 r=remez,是hint提示的意思 d=darash, 是moral寓意的意思 s=sod, 是secret奥秘的意思。 我尝试用利未记第10章来举例这四种解经。 利10:1 亚 伦 的 儿 子 拿 答 , 亚 比 户 各 拿 自 己 的 香 炉 , 盛 上 火 , 加 上 香 , 在 耶 和 华 面 前 献 上 凡 火 , 是 耶 和 华 没 有 吩… Continue reading (利10)”乐园”解经举例