”Chukat律例”(民数记19:1-22:1)+ ”Balak巴勒“(民数记22:2-25:9) 经文探讨录音(简化版,约20分钟,10MB): 【录音里忘了提及,并非所有基督徒都如亚伦那样平安去世,但是那些受难去世的基督徒在来世会有额外的奖赏,见启示录20:4】
Tag: balak”巴勒” numbers 22:2-25:9
My notes on Balak
Parashat Balak Numbers 22 (continued) 22:21 And Balaam rose up in the morning, and saddled his ass, and went with the princes of Moab. Comment: Balaam is traditionally regarded as a bad guy, and is contrasted with the good guy Abraham in Jewish culture. This contrast is used to bring important moral teachings (see a… Continue reading My notes on Balak