Portion Summary for Masei

Portion Summary for Masei

(In 2023 this portion is combined with Portion Matot: Numbers 30-32. Joint production with chatgpt.)

Parashat Masei is the forty-third weekly Torah portion in the book of Numbers (Bamidbar) and spans from Numbers 33:1 to 36:13. This portion concludes the book of Numbers by recounting the Israelites’ journeys in the wilderness and addressing various legal and territorial matters.

Here are some highlights from Parashat Masei and some related New Testament verses:

  1. Recapitulation of Israel’s Journeys (Numbers 33:1-49): The portion begins with a detailed account of the forty-two encampments that the Israelites established during their forty-year journey in the wilderness.

New Testament verse: “For I consider that the sufferings of this present time are not worth comparing with the glory that is to be revealed to us.” (Romans 8:18)


2. Boundaries of the Promised Land (Numbers 34:1-15): After listing the encampments, the Torah describes the boundaries of the land of Canaan and provides instructions regarding the distribution of the territory among the twelve tribes of Israel.

New Testament verse: “Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the earth.” (Matthew 5:5)


3. Levite Cities and Cities of Refuge (Numbers 35:1-34): Parashat Masei includes instructions regarding the allocation of cities to the Levites, who were chosen to serve in the Tabernacle and later the Temple. These Levite cities were scattered throughout the tribal territories and provided the Levites with places to live. Additionally, the portion also discusses the establishment of cities of refuge, designated cities where individuals who unintentionally caused someone’s death could seek refuge from potential avengers. These cities provided protection until a fair trial could take place and justice could be served.

New Testament verse: “In the same way, the Lord commanded that those who proclaim the gospel should get their living by the gospel.” (1 Corinthians 9:14)


4. Inheritance Laws and Marriages (Numbers 36:1-13): The portion discusses the laws regarding the inheritance of land and addresses the case of daughters who inherit property within their tribe. In order to preserve tribal land holdings, these daughters were required to marry within their tribe so that the inherited land would remain within the tribe.

New Testament verse: “For there is no distinction between Jew and Greek; for the same Lord is Lord of all, bestowing his riches on all who call on him.” (Romans 10:12)