(申33)摩西的祝福 (Deuteronomy 33) Moses’s Blessing
(Translation from Chinese assisted with ChatGPT, 中文在后面)
Ecclesiastes 12:7 states, “And the dust returns to the earth as it was, and the spirit returns to God who gave it.”
The human soul originates from the Creator and returns to the Creator. Coming here is like going on a business trip; there is a mission on Earth during the journey. Completing this mission well during the journey results in a reward when returning home.
As we conclude the reading of the Bible with the Book of Deuteronomy, Moses departed from this world. He arrived one hundred and twenty years ago, and now he has left. However, this world has also changed because of him, in accordance with the Creator’s will. The Creator used him to bring about many changes:
- He “brought calamities” to the nations at that time (Egypt, Midian, Amorites, Bashan, according to what they deserved).
- He led the Israelites out of Egyptian slavery.
- He guided the Israelites to accept the Creator’s commandments, teaching them to learn and obey.
- According to the Creator’s instructions, he obtained water from a rock in the wilderness for the Israelites.
- He conquered the lands of the Amorites and Bashan, east of the Jordan River.
- He transformed his father-in-law Jethro’s family, turning them away from idolatry to faith in the Creator.
- He transformed his brother Aaron’s family, making them priests to serve the Creator for generations.
- He prepared his student Joshua to lead the Israelites into the Promised Land.
- He changed the identity of the Israelite nation, leading them to make a covenant with the Creator at Mount Sinai, becoming the Creator’s people.
- He wrote the Five Books of Moses, which have been read by billions of people over thousands of years.
- The scriptures he wrote also changed us, enabling us to learn and follow the Creator’s commandments thousands of years later.
Just before the conclusion of the Five Books of Moses, there is one more thing mentioned. This is what Moses did on the last day of his one hundred and twenty-year journey on Earth, at the Creator’s command:
Moses’ parting blessing also changed the fate of his own tribe, the Levites. According to their ancestor Jacob’s blessing, the Levites were originally destined to be scattered among the tribes (Genesis 49:7, “I will scatter them in Jacob and disperse them in Israel”). Moses, in response to this seemingly unfavorable fate, provided a positive interpretation, giving the Levites a noble role in their dispersion, to teach the people of various tribes the Scriptures:
(Deuteronomy 33:10) “They shall teach Jacob your rules and Israel your law…”
(Jewish tradition completes the reading of Deuteronomy 33-34 this week, concluding the previous year’s reading of the Five Books of Moses and immediately starting the next year’s progression from the Book of Genesis. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Simchat_Torah)
传道书12:7 说,“尘 土 仍 归 于 地 , 灵 仍 归 于 赐 灵 的 神 。”
他给当时的外邦人“带来了灾难”(埃及,米甸,亚末利,巴珊, 按他们所应得的);
摩西临别时的祝福,还改变了他本部落利未人的命运。按祖先雅各的祝福,利未人本来是要散居各部落中的(创49:7, “… 我 要 使 他 们 分 居 在 雅 各 家 里 , 散 住 在 以 色 列 地 中 。”)。摩西针对这个看似不好的命运,作了一个正面的诠释,让利未人有了一个上好的职分,可以在散居之地教导各部落的人学习圣经:
(申33:10)“他 们 要 将 你 的 典 章 教 训 雅 各 , 将 你 的 律 法 教 训 以 色 列 。…”